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The heart far away

Prisons are closed cores where freedom is often just a dream. The Grundtvig Project "The Heart Faraway" was born as an answer to this reality: as a metaphor for freedom. From the Centre for Adults of the Penitentiary Centre of Monterroso, we wanted to show with "The Heart Faraway" that, beyond their status as prisoners, our students are human beings. They have a past, a present and a future to carry on. This future may depend on discovering that in their lives, there is not only darkness, but many lights dimmed by the veil of the most painful memories. So, through an autobiographical work, we intended to rescue those lights, to make them understand that there is life beyond the prison walls; that, among many tears, there is also laughter, playgrounds, youth, joy ...; we tried to make them notice that they are not alone because there are many who share their concern. Share, of course, because those who can share their most intimate memories with their close friends and also with those strangers, who now, through their biographies, will become a little part of their lives, are showing the necessary courage to hope for a bright future. There are many barriers in a prison, but none of them prevents dreaming. “The Heart Faraway”, as in a good dream, tried to get a little closer to the true meaning of freedom. Our dream, the dream of all who have shared these two years of project is to have achieved it.

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