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The examination of the accumulation characteristics of medicines and their derivatives in Körös ecosystem (PHARMARIVER)
Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project investigates the presence of pharmaceuticals in the Hungarian and Romanian sections of Körös Rivers, thus its results may contribute to the expansion of knowledge, and it can provide useful information for both countries. Protection of natural values of water catchment areas and conservation of their state is a task of high priority in both countries. It is not only important because Romania and Hungary took on obligations (2000/60/EK) of EU membership, but also because of the necessity of habitat protection, and ensuring biodiversity. Körös Rivers spring from the Romanian mountains, but they arrive to water catchment area of Tisza at Hungarian land. Water regime of Fekete-, Sebes-, Kettős-Körös and Berettyó is determined by the operating status of the dams of Békésszentandrás and Békés. Water regime of Sebes-Körös is also determined by the operation strategy of a reservoir, situated in Romania. In Körös valley the risk of cross border pollution is very high because of the valleys hydrography. In the big cities located along the rivers, drinking water is ensured from the groundwater exploited from under the riverbed. At agricultural areas, irrigation and groundwater can be the source of pollution in the food chain. Pollution has no borders, and can exert a toxic effect through slowly accumulation even 100 km far from its origin. Water catchment area of the investigated Körös (Cris) Rivers is more than 27000 km2, of which 47 % could be find in Hungary and 53 % in Romania. Sebes-Körös (Crisul Repede) has a length of 209 km, of which the Hungarian section is 58,6 km. The Sebes-Körös runs through the city of Oradea and together with Kettős-Körös becomes to Hármas-Körös in Hungary near to Csárdaszállás. Fekete-Körös (Crisul Negru) has a length of 168 km, of which the Hungarian section is 20,5 km. In Romania it runs through the cities of Ștei (Vaskohkeresztes) and Beiuş (Belényes). The Kettős-Körös has only Hungarian section, whichs length is 37,3 km and touches city of Békés. The Fekete-Körös ends in the Kettős-Körös. The Fehér-Körös (Crisul Alba) has a length of 235,7 km, of which the Hungarian section is 9,8 km. It runs through the cities of Brad (Brád), Ineu (Borosjenő), Chişineu Criş (Kisjenő) and Gyula. Crossing the Romanian-Hungarian border, a few kilometers north from Gyula it joins the Fekete-Körös, and from here they flow together as Kettős-Körös. The Hármas-Körös has only Hungarian section (91,3 km). After receiving the wastewater of Szarvas and Kunszentmárton cities it ends in the Tisza River at Csongrád. The Berettyó (Barcău) had an original length of 364 km, now it is 198 km long, of which the Hungarian section is 78 km. Its water catchment area is 5771 km². It runs through the cities of Suplacul de Barcău, Marghita and Berettyóújfalu. Population of the investigated water catchment area is 500 000 people. More than half of it, approximately 230000 people lives in Oradea. In Romania further 120000 people lives in smaller towns. 150000 people lives in the Hungarian water catchment area, mainly in villages and smaller towns. Source: Pharmaceuticals in drinking-water 2011.The general objective of the project consists of a complex study on the pharmaceutical pollution of the Körös Rivers Basin around of Romanian-Hungarian border. The specific objectives are linked to analyzing the accumulation of drugs residues in substrate and live organisms, dissemination of the research results, information of scientific community and wide and objective information of the public.The direct beneficiaries of the project are the water research groups of the universities and research institutes, experts of wastewater purification and the legal experts of the environmental ministries. Indirect beneficiaries is the population of the studied area, of about half million people.

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  • 85%   133 355,65
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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