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The EVS Effect
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Mar 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Title of This Project is 'THE EVS EFFECT' The project is going to be implemented in three different organisations as three different activities. The 1st Activity is going to take place in 'Musninkai- Lithuania'. Two volunteers will participate in the activity. The volunteers will be chosen among 17-30 years old young people who have poor, limited opportunities. Non-formal education methods and information technological tools will be used in the whole activities during the project. The Activity will be realized during the period of 1 March - 1 September 2015. The 2nd Activity is going to take place in ' Kyiv- Ukraine' . One volunteer will take part in this activity. The volunteer will be defined according to the age rank 17-30. The project activities include the events with children. In the activities of the project, non-formal and informal education techniques will be used. The Activity will be realized during the period of 1 April 2015 - 1 February 2016. The 3rd Activtiy is going to be in 'Pietra Neamt- Romania'. Four volunteers will participate in it. These volunteers are going to join the activity in two different time periods. The age rank of volunteers will be 17-30 years old. The activities and events which will happen during the project belong to the hosting organisation activity plan. Non-formal education techniques and workshops are going to be main educational method during the project. The first two volunteers will be included in the activity during the period 1 April 2015 - 1 February 2016, the other two volunteers will be included in the activity between the period 1 February 2016 - 1 December 2016. As main goals of these whole activities,the volunteers will improve themselves in both personal and social aspects and they will learn the norms of European Citizenship, Intercultural Learning, Active Citizenship. The expected long term effect of the project is that the volunteers will proceed in their lives actively with the skills they will have gained during the whole project.

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