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The evaluation of Cross-Border Cooperation at the frontiers of EU
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project, The evaluation of Cross Border Cooperation at the frontiers of EU, defines its main objective by exploring Cross - Border Cooperation (CBC), through: institutions, European policy and European fund programes, specific forms and tools for CBC together with methodology used in cross border cooperation evaluation. The specific objectives of the project are: understanding the importance of CBC, development politics and their role in transformation of European economy; understanding the role of the main actors in creation of the knowledge-based economy and society; identifying the means of knowledge creation and its transfer to civil society; promoting research in the field of European cross border cooperation, especially those to stimulate research, development and innovation in border areas.The principal activities are: teaching, research, organizing events, research ativities and dissemination of the result of the projectThe main outputs and outcomes are:- 3 new courses regarding the European Studies; - Organizing two events: international conference with 50 participants and round table with 35 participants;- Research activities; - Elaboration of two collective volumes, indexed in 3 international data bases;- Realization of the project website- 105 students MA/academic year, studying at the University of Oradea, Impact on students attending the courses shall be both qualitative and quantitative. Impact on students attending the courses shall be both qualittive and quantitative The knowledge and experiences accumulated in the field of Evaluation of CBC generate in time public policies and civil society actions to strengthen dialogue and cooperation. Impact on institutions involved shall be direct and generating institutional expertise. The transfer of scientific towards the public institutions and civil society, the project will contribute to the development of policies and best practices in the area of CBC.

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