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By fetching together the best of each country's skills and ideas, we will be able to achieve our planned aims of producing an across borders course to produce and teach uniform rules and regulations in the field of Residential electrical installations within partner countries through curriculum and cross-curricula activities. All participants of the planned partnership are members of the European Community, and the project will give a great opportunity to all to work together to achieve the common goal.The project will provide a medium for the following activities.- development of web page (all partners contribute ideas to the creation of a web page to share resources, ideas and developments. The web page will be created by the German partner.- creation of common teaching modules in all partnership languages. These modules will complete a whole course on the Residential Electrical Installations.- data collection and transfer (partners will be provided with data to enable a common teaching and learning experience, creation of a materials dictionary in all partnership languages)- personal learning and thinking skills (via feedback of project work partners will develop problem solving information handling and communication skills)- global curriculum (key concepts such as sustainable development and global citizenship)- competence comparison (at the end of the partnership, the pupils will sit the same test in order to compare their knowledge, then they will obtain a certificate of competence which will give them a better position in the European working field)Students will be taught the same topics in their own language as other students in partnership countries meaning that at the end, all students will have the same level of knowledge on their vocation.

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5 Partners Participants