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"The Europe of Myth and Legend" - Using ICT and Mythology in Developing Literacy
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project blends mythology with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to support the development, transfer, implementation and dissemination of innovative practices in the teaching of literacy. ICT will serve both as an innovative means of presenting material and also as a tool for collaborative work in the creation of curriculum resources. Through collaboration and exchange students and teachers will experience the myths and legends of the 5 partner countries Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and Turkey. The project will result in the creation of a curriculum resource featuring 25 myths and legends presented using a variety of ICT tools and accompanied by a range of resources and activities to further develop oral skills, comprehension and students writing skills. Students and teachers will engage with colleagues and peers from the partner countries and gain deeper meaning and appreciation of the legends and myths that make up part of their respective cultures. The work will be published on a dedicated website which will serve as a resource in the teaching of literacy both nationally and on a broader European and international level.

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