Search for European Projects

The EU's Trade Policy and Its Role in the World
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project consists of two courses respectively delivered at the B.A. level and master/doctoral level, and a series of events and publications as well. Its concrete aims and objectives are four-pronged: To provide excellent teaching on European integration: To give students a good idea of EU’s trade policy-making (actors, institutions, instruments and process) and the EU-China trade relations, and help them understand how politics and economics, domestic and international factors interact in the EU policy and decision-making through innovative teaching methodology featuring multiple stakeholders’ participation and a multi-disciplinary approach.To foster students’ ability in making public presentations. The course at master level is organized in a seminar form, requiring students to give public presentations in the second phase of the course. The teaching staff gives comments and guide through each session.To improve research on a specific EU theme – common commercial policy (CCP). This project aims at deepening the understanding of the EU’s CCP by Chinese scholars, officials, diplomats and students through systemic research on the CCP subject and the publication of the relevant book and policy paper on the CCP-related subject, and the EU-China trade relations as well. To disseminate EU knowledge in a region, which is insufficiently covered by the Jean Monnet Program. This project will fill the vacuum of international political economy teaching on EU trade policy in central China, a region with the biggest development potentials in the coming five to ten years in China, and with the tremendous capacity of trading with EU member states.

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