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"The drivers of changes: this is our time"
Start date: Mar 3, 2014,

The project is a Youth Exchange Program in the sphere of informal education of the Eastern Partnership and the European Union with 14- to 17-year-old participation. The Project will last for 7 days (8 nights). The participating countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and Ireland. The number of participants - 6 young people (4 participants+2 group leaders) from each country (24 participants in total). The exchange includes: introduce and discuss the idea of outdoor and adventure education, the tools which will focus on issues of Teamwork and communication, mental challenges(overnight outing), combining outdoors tools with inter-cultural learning, creativity and plenary work, workshops(Eco- design,Eco-journalism, Eco-painting). The goals of the exchange: promoting healthy behaviors, particularly through the promotion of the practice of outdoor activities and adventure education as a means to promote healthy lifestyles as well as to foster social inclusion and the active participation of young people in society; development of ecological thinking and environmental awareness; identification of the competencies that can be obtained through European, non-formal learning projects and their certification by Youthpass; raise self-awareness of young peoples' personal identity and introduce the idea of individual differences and equal opportunities; gather and develop resources and strategies to promote the communication and linguistic competences and, finally, to promote the value of cultural diversity and mutual understanding among various cultures;
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3 Partners Participants