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The development of a curriculum and establishment of a regional training platform for haematology in life sciences and medicine
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

Haematology is a discipline that brings together medical and fundamental sciences, laboratory and clinical practice leading ultimately to improved health care. There is a keen interest in the Southern Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) to advance haematology teaching for both life sciences and medical degrees to meet European standards. The project is designed to help develop new/updated haematology courses in the SC Universities (SCUs). The EU Universities have a wide experience in educating both science (UOW) and medical students (UNIFE, UNITOV, UMU) in haematology. The clinical haematologists also have expertise in specialist areas of haematology. The partner SCUs represent leading teaching establishments in the region offering both medical and life science degrees. The core members of the consortium have been partners in previous successful Tempus projects. The consortium has been chosen to ensure high quality deliverables. Following analysis of current local science and medical courses, joint teaching committees comprising staff members, students and external experts, will help develop customised haematology courses, for each university’s and national requirements and based on ECTS. The teaching packages, together with modes of assessment will be both in English and national languages and will be converted into e-learning formats for local teaching and distance learning purposes. The training of lecturers for the new/adapted courses will be carried out in the EU universities. More specialised training in haematology, will be updated in the national haematology Institutes and at a regional platform for haematology set up in Georgia (CARPH). This will serve as a centre where haematologists from SC and other regions will meet to share teaching experiences, new practical techniques and discuss developing trends in haematology. Strong QA and QC measures and structured management will be put in place to ensure high quality implementation of the project.

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