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The Dance Floor: Participation and Reflection
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mooss will organise a nine-day Summerschool Dance as a group exchange, in August 2016. This will be realised in cooperation with a number of partners, i.e. DaCi (Dance and The Child International, the Netherlands); DOX (The Netherlands) and HETPALEIS (Belgium). These partners will invite 20 youngsters (10 Belgian and 10 Dutch youngsters) and 5 supervisors (3 Belgian and 2 Dutch) – with a wide diversity in background and experience. The aim is to intensively exchange ideas, thoughts and experiences about the active role of youngsters in dance education. During this summerschool we will explore how we can develop in depth and thus enhance the research which started during the Summerschool Dance in August 2015, which was in cooperation with the Finnish partner Jotain Odottamatonta ry.In May 2016 an Advance Planning Visit (APV) will be organized. One supervisor and one youngster – as a delegate from the youngsters’ team – from every partner organisation is invited in HETPALES, Antwerp (Belgium) to thoroughly put together the programme of the Summerschool Dance – as to content and practicalities. The Summerschool dance is part of a long term research project into the active role of youngsters in dance education. This research project includes these four projects: the mobility of youth workers which took shape as an international conference Dance Education Revisited with 7 European partners (February 2015); the group exchange Summerschool Dance in 2015 in cooperation with the Finnish partner Jotain Odottamatonta ry and the future group exchange Summerschool Dance in Finland in cooperation with the Finnish partner Jotain Odottamatonta ry (starting August 2016) and a future reflection moment on the mobility of youth workers (December 2016). This reflection moment is organised by Mooss in December 2016 in OPEK, Leuven (Belgium) with all partners of the summer schools 2015 and 2016: i.e. the Finnish partner Jotain Odottamatonta ry., the Dutch partners DOX and Daci Nl and the Belgian partner HETPALEIS. The group of participants consists of 20 persons, nicely balanced in policy officers, artistic, (ped)agogical officers and researchers. During these six days we will elaborate on the range of activities of the research project, we will reflect on the research into the active role of youngsters in dance education, we will make the round up, draw conclusions and set out the scheme for future European projects. Both for the Summerschool Dance 2016 and for the reflection moment these are the three pillars. The first is the exchange of experiences and knowledge with respect to themselves, culture and dance(education); the second pillar is the training with a focus on non formal, intercultural learning and peer learning and the third pillar is the active role of partners and participants. The coordinating organisation (Mooss) and the partner organisations that are organising all activities (APV, summerschool and reflection moment) have set up a unique process within their own organisation in terms of dance education and youth work. They educate children and young people in terms of dance education and they developed a compelling look at youth work. For these activities, they bring in their own extensive network and they reflect on the active role of young people in dance education from the point of their own artistic identity and practice. They engage in the search for innovative methodical approaches for dance education. The range of programmes of the APV, the Summerschool Dance and the Reflection Moment are closely aligned with the three pillars. Workshops, debates, informal moments and cultural trips will be organised. The partners and young people have a considerable influence in the setup of the programme. The projects are organised in close cooperation with Theaterfestival, OPEK (Leuven), STUK (Leuven) en December Dance (Brugge). Each partner organisation actively takes responsibility for the international dissemination of these activities, through a range of media (internet, social media, mailing…).Through this research we want to build a sustainable network for dance education with children and young people; we want to activate a shared vocabulary and to develop qualitative methodologies peculiar to dance education. This is a pilot project, admonishing international partners to get started with dance education on the level of young people. Several long term follow-up projects and collaborations are secured in the long term and with a major international and European dissemination.
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4 Partners Participants