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The changing perspective of the European integration process in the Multi-Speed European Union
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MULTIEU project with the chair "The changing perspective of the European integration process in the Multi-Speed European Union" aims to put in evidence the changing reality of the European Integration process through the developments of the multi - speed European Union. During the courses the students will have the opportunity to analyze in depth the emerging of different circles of states engaged in various cooperation on the EU level and what is even more important, the consequences of multi - speed Europe for states, institutions and citizens. The essential knowledge on the emerging multi - speed European Union will help students to understand that differentiated integration is chance to develope the European Union and mambers States and give them avenues for further studies In particular the module will address: AMU students, including students who do not come into contact with European Integration studies; AMU academic staff; citizens in general with a cycle of conferences.The project’s outputs will include the MULTIEU publication, research "The European Union in new post- crisis reality. " publication, events, project leaflet and bulletins available on the AMU web page, dedicated to Jean Monnet MULTIEU Chair. The project will have an immediate impact on the students of different faculties, which will benefit from high-quality training on the role of EU Education Policies in the European Integration. The long-term impact will concern the students future studies and research in the domain as well as their employment possibilities (the knowledge of EU and its policies is essential for building their professional career in European and International organisations).
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