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The challenges of our cultures
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The five partners of our project are located in in different geographical environments, varying from a more rural area to small town as well as medium sized and large cities; with different economical, historical, political and social backgrounds, with different religions/confessions and world-views, thus offering a very important opportunity of a lively exchange between all participants. Many of our pupils are children of migrant workers, refugees who experienced war and tortures, many of them come from social and economical neglected families and backgrounds. The Polish school has pupils with physical disabilities. Facing prejudice or failure, lacking confidence in themselves, they often use bullying, violence, aggressive behaviour and fighting as tools to assert themselves. Moreover, they do not view schools as an alternative future and a way to be better integrated in the labour market and in society. Our project "The challenges of our cultures" focuses on cultural identity and youth potential skills and innovation on the labour market, two aspects which are closely connected each other. In the first year of the project students aged 14-19 will explore personal identity and cultural diversity transnationally, learning and connecting their own cultural identity and heritage with those of others in different times and places, thus developing tolerance towards other cultures. At this point they will create in international teams a first common product representing the partnership, keeping in touch by using the eTwinning platform and other socials. In the second year of the project students will focus on the professional requirements needed nowadays in Europe through interviews, workshops, and practical trainings. The results wil be kept in a portfolio. The heart of this year will be the practical trainings in the own country and in the partner countries, fostering tolerance, promoting cross-cultural knowledge and providing students with the necessary competences to improve their entrepreneriul skills; by visiting young enterprises they will also learn that self-initiative and creativity are important keys to success. These new gained entrepreneurial competences will be exploited in the own countries by realising an international charity bazar in the local communities. At the end of the project pupils will rethink their views and the requirements which young people face nowadays based on newly gained knowledge. They will realise a video/radio report about successful youth enterprises to be shown/sent through the main channels of the local communities. All the students be encouraged to take a key role in the organisation and dissemination of the project. Many of the activities will be ICT based and communication between staff and students of all the partner schools will take place regularly and students' work will be shared and disseminated in all partner schools and the wider community in Europe. Within the schools themselves we will progress towards creating a European perspective within the curriculum. Staff members will be able to exchange best practices in implementing occupational guidance/training in the curricula. The whole project will furthermore raise awareness of our partner schools and the European Union in our local communities. The main result will be an improvement in students’ motivation and well-being in their education for their working situation and private lives as strong part of their self-esteem. Through the project's activities we want to create links between students, the local communities, the international communities and the world of work. We want to decrease dropout rates of students – also drop outs shortly before examination periods. We want to help our pupils realise that they can build their future through hope, optimism, cooperation and creativity because they are the citizens of a constantly evolving world. We want to provide them with the basic and transversal skills necessary to face the issues of the new globalised society. One of the main results of this project will be an improved quality of education through teachers getting the opportunity to get to see specific teaching methodologies and techniques used in other countries. We want to deepen the cooperation within the partner countries in order to promote long-learning activities even after the end of the project itself.

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4 Partners Participants