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The Bavarian State Vocational School Erding goes international
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility of VET staff in Malta: The beginning of the school year 2013/14 started with a reorganization in the education profession " Aircraft Mechanic ". The new syllabus is now divided into learning fields and focused on the acquisition of practical skills, so that teachers must increasingly use excerpts from English-language documents to image a company action situation. These learning situations must be approved by the instructors of dual partners. 12 participants (7 teachers from vocational schools from Bavaria and 5 trainers from the German Airforce) developed their expertise in terms of handling the English-language documents (e.g. SRM - Structural Repair Manual, IPC - Illustrated Parts Catalog, AMM - Aircraft Maintenance Manual) via a week-long language course at the language school ETI in Malta. Through the presentation of a transport pilot of Air Malta, the knowledge of the sequence between pilots and maintenance personnel was been expanded. The participants learned the handling of the MMEL (Master Minimum Equipment List ) , the Planning Job Card, the Aircraft Technical & Journey Log and the ATA Chapters (Air Transport Association). In addition to the technical vocabulary of English for the specific area of aviation ( "Simplified English" ) was deepened and the use of everyday English by staying in an English speaking country. Incidentally, also the intercultural competencies could be improved during the language course and the ICT skills of the participants could be improved by the use of a cloud service. Mobility of learners in France: In the context of the additional qualification of "European Hotelmanagement" 10 apprentices of the hotel and catering trade spent three weeks in French hotels or restaurants in Bordeaux in France. The students discovered organisational structures, mentalities, training and working situations. The students got the possibility to gain useful working experience and got to know important aspects of the French cuisine and hospitality. The hosting organisation, the agency Cap Ulysse, organized the placements, the accommodation, the language course, the mentoring, the excursions, the monitoring and the evaluation on-site.

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