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The active are living more attractive 3 - Eastern Partnership
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

”The active are living more attractive 3 - Eastern Partnership ” is EVS project hosting 3 volunteers from two countries: Albania and Ukraine. The volunteers are hosted in three different organizations: Kindergarten number 18 in Szczecin, Kindergarten number 2 in Stargard Szczeciński and POLITES Association. The aim of the project is promoting different forms of voluntary service (office work at NGO, working with children and youth, participating in Language Tandem Meetings, etc.). Voluntary service is very often associated with charity only and by differentiating receiving organizations we would like to show that volunteering is not only helping the others but an interesting way of spending free time as well as developing key competences and investing in oneself. Through non-formal education, daily activities and challenges that the volunteers need to face, teach them how to cope with every-day situations abroad, while working in team and with children/youngsters/adults/seniors. Apart from that the volunteers learn how NGOs work, how to organize various events and cooperate in the international team. The methods used during the project will be activating the participants (eg. workshops, meetings, treasure hunts, etc.) The effect of the project will be gaining new and strengthening key competences by the volunteers as well as learning about intercultural context of living in Europe.
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4 Partners Participants