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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Atheneum Dixmuide organizes in Newport a third degree care. This training prepares the students for a job in the children, the elderly, and home care. The emphasis is on the practical work where our students learn to deal with themselves, with colleagues and with people who need daily care. This training is both the development of young children as the process of aging. Attention is paid to relationships, behavior, communication and etiquette. The students are trained to observe and report, in collaboration with colleagues in the preparation of infant food and other meals. They learn about first aid, healthy food, the basis of dietetics and are familiarized with the labor law, the rights and obligations and health law. During the internships the students get acquainted with the future work situation and they get familiar with care situations with children in day care and the elderly in nursing homes. However, we note that our students often come from disadvantaged backgrounds, they have low self esteem and a narrow vision of the future. We want to change this, and the most efficient way is to acquaint the students with another world. We want to stage run in the healthcare sector in the metropolis London. This will have a huge impact on them because they have to survive in a country foreign to them in a foreign language. In many areas, they will find that they are much more capable than they realize. The far-reaching autonomy will be a huge boost in terms of their personal development. Their horizons will be broadened, and they will realize that more is possible in life. Naturally, the professional competences addressed and it will be for them an enrichment to compare the method within the healthcare sector between Belgium and Great Britain. There will be 15 students who get the chance to run two-week internship in London and to adapt to life in the big city within a family. On the stage, they will take care tasks in the elderly. There will also a supervisor of the school to support them where necessary. Our partner ADC College will provide a lot of support and follow up. They provide regarly consultation moments between student and internship. The project will be announced through the local press, on our open house, through Facebook and the website. The students will be making a portfolio and also get a certificate through ADC College and a validated Europass. All of this will be a huge value in the quest for a future employer. But besides that they will get a harder measurable effect : self-confident and motivated students who are ready to conquer the job market.

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