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Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is an international youth exchange with a total of 24 young participants and 10 adult group leaders and specialists from Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Hungary who will arrive to Mórahalom on June 30th 2016 to attend an eight-day entrepreneurship and social participation-enhancing program. Those young people who apply and accomplish a task related to the project on a high level and in time will be elected to the program. This selection process ensures that the participants will be truly highly motivated.During the exchange program they learn about the principles of communication and how to involve and inform the media. They get to know local businesses, and based on information obtained about the companies they prepare reports about them. Meanwhile they gain experiences and impressions about the operation, management and partner relationships of the enterprises and about the rules of labor market. One night during a roundtable discussion, they may ask local public figures about the local economic development trends and the cooperation possibilities of the state and the business sectors. On several occasions, the participants held press conferences where they can learn how to keep a good relationship with the media and how to prepare a press conference. The completed reports are presented at the final press conference.The main goal of the project is to bring closer the young participants to the entrepreneurial world, thereby their employability and future career opportunities will increase and their entrepreneurial competence will develop. 90% of the working methods are based on the following non-formal education methods: presentation, small group and frontal methods, communication techniques, trainings, situation practices, roundtables, field work, teamwork, experiential learning, workshops, brainstorming.The short-term impact of the project is to develop the participants’ entrepreneurial competence, initiative, communication skills, autonomy, intercultural awareness, social participation and the attitudes about European projects and European values. The medium-term impact of the project is to bring closer the participants to the world of the labor market, which can help them in their future career choices, and thus the project indirectly contributes to reducing youth unemployment. As a long-term impact, the participating partner organizations and the other sectors will become members of an international network. They start an international professional work thereby their willingness to cooperate and their professional results will increase. The popularity of the involved organizations will increase, because they will be capable of organizing attractive programs and activities adapted to the needs of young people, thus the qualitative professional work of the organizations will grow as well.
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3 Partners Participants