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TEMA-CNC - Maintenance Technicians for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Equipment

The TEMA-CNC project builds upon the results of a previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project (SEEMS) and aims specifically at the creation of a new professional profile, namely Maintenance Technician for CNC Equipment and the development and introduction of a range of supporting training materials/tools for the newly developed profile. The project will result in a study on the employability of individuals fitting this new profile, a training for the new profile, an open and distance learning system (to include electronic and paper-based materials) and a dedicated project website (to allow interaction between trainers and trainees). Dissemination will comprise the hosting of seminars to present the project results, a series of targeted presentations of the project results and the distribution of printed material on the project to selected target groups. Project beneficiaries include technicians (wishing to adapt or upgrade their curricula in line with technological changes) and individual companies where CNC systems are in use.

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