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Teknoloji ve İstihdam
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participants of the project are Informatics and Cloth Production field students of Sinop Vocational and Technical Training Center. . First flow of our project will be done in Latvia at RīgasStila un Modes Profesionālā Vidusskola. In this flow our Cloth Production field students will have "Laser Cut" education. As a result of technological developments happen in textile sector, laser technology taka an important place in textile in terms of cutting and shaping. Laser cut system enable to human error factor in cutting, with laser cutting all products will have the same standarts with more speed and less cost. Our students who will learn laser cut techique will increase their chance of employment. In the second flow informatics studetnts of our school, will go to Czech Republic to have "Data Base Design" training in Stredni Prumyslova Skola. In traditional data storage methods, many unnecessary data get stored repeatedly, thats why in old folder systems folders grow into unnecessary sizes. Its important to keep informations created by some applications. Databases enable more than one person to reach information at the same time and can make changes on them. with all these advantages, data base technology become a necessity for all public and private institutions, as a result,our students who will have data base design education in Europe will improve their employment chances in this field which is very wide and growing. With disemmination work will be done after the project flows, interest of other vocational schools towards Erasmus+ project in our region will increase. Other institutions and companies will realize the benefits our students get from this project and this will improve their impression about our students in positive way and they will want to be part of an international project as well. In the first flow of our project 20 students from Cloth Production field and 2 accompanying teacher will go to Latvia and have Laser Cut training in RīgasStila un Modes Profesionālā Vidusskola between the dates of 12/04/2015 and 25/04/2015. In the second flow of our project 20 student and 2 accompanying teacher will go to Czech Republic between 03/05/2015 and 16/05/2015 and have "Data Base Design" training.
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