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Teilhabe schaffen durch Differenzierung und Inklusion
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In recent years the quality criteria "individual support of learners" and "promotion of inclusive education" were rated as weaknesses during school quality audits at most of the evaluated schools in Upper Frankonia. The aim of the Erasmus+ project "Enabling Participation through Differentiation and Inclusion" is to initiate school development processes at Upper Frankonian vocational schools in both of these fields. Therefore two learning mobilities to South Tyrol and Austria will be carried out enabling Upper Frankonian teachers and executives to improve their skills by learning from best practice examples in the host countries. The agenda includes the possibility to learn about the practical implementation of these concepts by sitting in on classes in the host countries. Experts in vocational education, teacher training, and from the school authorities will present good concepts and conditions and exchange views and ideas with the mobility participants. By learning from the experience of these experts the participants will develop own concepts which they will implement and improve at their schools. The learners should develop a positive attitude towards inclusive vocational education and differentiation. They improve their pedagogical and methodological skills and deepen their subject-specific knowledge by learning about the school system in the host countries. Furthermore, they transfer suitable strategies and concepts to their individual school and teaching practice and initiate school development processes at their school. The overall goal is to make inclusive and differentiating concepts a structural part at the participating schools. The success of the project will mainly be assessed by the results of the external school quality audits.

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