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Tehnoloogiavaldkondade õpilaste õppepraktika Berliini ettevõtetes koos euroopaliku töökohapõhise õppe elementide rakendamise ja ametliku tunnustamisega.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Practical training of students in technical fields along with the implementation of the widespread elements of the dual training system common in Europe in Berlin companies" involved 9 students of Pärnu German School of Technology from three fields of technology (internal work electrician, software developer, interactive computer graphics) who participated in the 8-week practical training course in Berlin. This training corresponded to their curriculum based on ECVET (12 EKAP). The trainees were in the companies as participants of the local dual education system. They had specific learning outcome, corresponding work plan and guidance. The companies were selected from those who had been accustomed to such form of learning. The goals of this project had been achieved as follows: 1. The trainees completed under the established curriculum obligatory studies (practical training) in a total of 12 EKAP as foreseen. 2. The curriculum had been selected under the implementation plan of the dual training system. In accordance with this model and traditions the theoretical course and the practical training course took place in a company, where our trainee was assigned under the principles of the employment contract and had all the rights and responsibilities of an employee (except salaries). It significantly changed their attitude towards training. In addition, responsibility of partner companies increased as a result of guiding the trainees in such form. For participants and partners the project had the following impact and results: 1. Our own view towards the current model of training, training in companies and under supervisors, and also the school's development potential, changed. For the time being about 50% of our students have joined the dual training system. At the beginning of the project there were no apprenticeship opportunities, but now the number of such groups is increasing. 2. Through the project it was proved that apprenticeship is relevant in cases of specialties of higher performance (information technology, computer graphics, electrical engineering, and energy). So far the dual training in Estonia has been mainly involved in simpler service areas. 3. We became convinced that the afore-mentioned educational practice could contribute to solving the problems of youth employment as well as integrating refugees into society by learning about the working life. 4. Implementation of the curricula gave assurance that the principles of ECVET are repetitive metering in their form and content in different countries and thus enable to compare and develop the education systems.

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