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Tecnología al servicio del aprendizaje y la creatividad: tejiendo redes europeas a través de la creación musical colaborativa
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This strategic partnership for school education KA2: "Technology for learning and creativity: weaving European networks through collaborative music creation" involves seven organizations in the field of education and culture from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania (primary, secondary and music schools). This project emerges from institution’ vision to use arts education and especially music education to incorporate new methodologies in the classroom in order to enhance the development of skills needed for the twenty first century society such as creativity, digital literacy, cultural and linguistic competence and team work. The main objectives of this project are: 1) To develop basic and transversal skills among approximately 3000 students (6-16 years old) from different countries and socioeconomic backgrounds through interdisciplinary activities and collaborative music and video creation using new technologies. 2) To strengthen the profile of education professionals to implement new pedagogical approaches focused on the students in their classrooms. 3) To Contribute to the development, transfer and dissemination of innovative pedagogical approaches and practices in music education at European level. The activities of the project include: teacher training courses to help them to implement new pedagogical approaches; performing arts projects based on the topics of music and literature, music and fine arts, music and movement, music and nature using the software "SoundCool" with tablets, smartphones and Kinect; participation in two teaching-learning activities for 28 students from all countries in Spain and Italy to develop performative projects, video installations and concerts; creation of a collaborative Web platform to share project activities with external users; DVD recording with students artistic products generated in projects; development of a methodological guide to provide guidance to music education teachers. Project management in all its phases will be conducted by a committee of coordination with management coordinators and pedagogical coordinators of all partner organizations through periodic meetings (virtual and transnational meetings) and reports presented according to the different strategic plans (financial, communication, diffusion, etc.) Assessment tools for project outcomes include quality indicators, questionnaires, observation and comparative tables of academic performance in previous courses. In the long term it is expected to offer a quality education to ensure equal opportunities for our students in order to gain access to the European labor market and become active citizens and adults integrated in a multicultural society. At the institutional level we intend to modernize our institutions and consolidate innovative practices, strengthen relations between partner organizations in order to establish networks of European cooperation in future projects. The dissemination of knowledge, experiences and results generated by this project will be extended to the entire educational community (teachers of faculty, students and families). At local and regional level briefings and training activities will take place. We will use social networking (Facebook and Twitter) and a collaborative web platform ( to disseminate experiences and to share teaching materials generated at national and international level. To ensure continuity and sustainability of this project at long term we will include common goals in all partner’s educational management documents.

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