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Technik macht mobil
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The international mobility of trainees is an important means to develop both practical abilities and gain new knowledge and also to enhance linguistic and intercultural skills. With the help of this project we would like to offer our trainees the opportunity to get qualifications necessary for the European market and gain new work experience.Besides we intend to maintain and intensify our long-term contacts and good cooperation with our Finnish partners. Students’ exchanges abroad will be conducted in form of internships in companies of corresponding profiles in the Finnish town of Lahti. Preparatory meetings for the interns will take place in Neubrandenburg and by means of multimedia technology with Finland.The project will last for two years. In this period there will be four 4-weeks flows involving 2 IT and electronics / electrical engineering students each.Our role as project organiser and sending institution will be planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of the education project, as well as the educational support of our students. We will also act as coordinators of partner activities.With the experience acquired abroad the trainees can enhance their chances to make a good start in their working life in Europe. They will get to know new methods of work and improve their skills for teamwork.International work placement experience increases our students’ self-esteem, enables trainees to be more independent and flexible, to use their knowledge of the foreign language in job related situations, broadens their horizon and deepens their understanding of the other countries’ culture and traditions.
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