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Technik informatyk - szansą do sukcesu w UE
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The applicant of the project "IT technician - the opportunity for professional success in the EU" was Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych in Krosno Odrzańskie, whereas its foreign partner was the company P.I.A. Angelika Jahn from Germany. The aim of this project was to increase the level of the participants’ practical knowledge as well as to develop their working, communicative and cooperative skills. As the participants of the project live in the area with a huge unemployment rate, the participation in the project increased their labor mobility and also enabled them to apply for the job both in Polish and German labor market. Gaining practical work experience abroad and the clarity of achieved skills (the certificate Europass Mobility) along with the references from the previous Polish and German employers made them more desired future employees. The participation in the project also shaped the pro-European attitude of the participants as well as benefitted in their professional and social engagement. Therefore, the durability and the effectiveness of its results will be enhanced. The project was aimed at 16 students learning IT technician profession. They participated in five-week internship in six German companies. We organized two turns of the above mentioned internship: the first one began in June 2015 and finished in July 2015, the second one began in August 2015 and finished in September 2015. Each group of interns consisted of 8 students. The internship programme included gaining new knowledge in the field of specialist software used in production and storage control, management of Internet websites, using the graphics software as well as the repair and conservation of the hardware. During the internship the participants communicated in German language, learnt the cooperation and got to know the living conditions in Germany. The results of the projects were evaluated by the tests, questionnaires, interviews and the evaluation of the material products. The two sides of the project communicated by email, social network and Skype. The students’ internship was preceded by a special language course aiming at revising the students’ knowledge of the culture of German speaking countries and development of their communicative skills. When the students finished the internship, its results were presented in the form of a conference showing their new skills, a debate about multiculturalism of Europe, a series of workshops in lower secondary schools. The interns also promoted newly achieved skills in the Internet and in the local companies. The realization of the project not only increased the students’ opportunity to achieve the success in their future career, but it also made our school more recognizable in the local environment. We notice that people recognize our school as a modern one, preparing the students for real life in the United Europe as well as motivated both our students and the teachers. Finally, we hope to continue the cooperation with our German partner, which may result in the next common actions aimed at the vocational training. The students and the teachers made new international friends, and continue them.
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