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Technicians in electrical engineering IES Moncada go to Europe with the Erasmus + program
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To begin with, from the Department of Electricity-Electronics, we have thought it is very interesting to make an individual application for European Erasmus + KA1- KA102 program from a clear institutional approach, that is, mobility for students and staff with a total of seven participants. Participating students will be four pupils enrolled in the second course of Specific Vocational Training (SVT) “Technician in Electrical and Automatic Installations”, while staff will be composed of two (SVT) teachers who will be responsible for organizing and managing the training program. The mobility project will last one year. The stay will be in the workplace internationally recognized companies as GRUPOTEC (UK) and POWER ELECTRONICS, SL (UK). The mobility of students (A1) is made through a flow between Spain-UK with a three months stay marked by the duration of the training module “FCT”. Moreover, teachers will participate in mobility (A2 ) holding it through the program job shadowing with three mobilities five days each, two from Spain-UK and one another from Spain-Germany, because one of our partner organizations, HANWHA Q-CELLS GMBH, headquartered in the Teutonic country. As for periods of mobility of students, the first stay will take place during the fourth quarter of 2014 and the last one in the second of 2015, trying to match the mobilities of teachers with the same dates. The most important aims to getting this project are, firstly our students increase their opportunities for training abroad and provide the skills necessary for the transition from education and training to this workforce with the maximum guarantees of quality, rigor and educational excellence. We also hope that our students have a unique learning experience in leading multinational in new technologies such as renewable energy and solar photovoltaic installations. In fact, most of the learning activities planned and the quality thereof, are jointly agreed between (IES-Companies) from the curriculum of the training module Solar Photovoltaic Installations: Identify the elements of the solar photovoltaic facilities, Mounting panels photovoltaic solar energy facilities fitting solar PV, Maintenance and repair of solar energy installations, Wireless network installations of solar PV and Plan of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection. No doubt, this is one of the most promising energy sectors and internationally. On the other hand and with regard to the mobility of staff, it is clear that the participating technical teachers update and acquire new knowledge in work practice for the (SVT), work in didactics and pedagogy to be applied in the classroom of (SVT), workshop and training teaching practice in general. The main goal of technical teachers involved in the project will be observation visits and made to organizations that host job shadowing, with the intention of knowing "in situ" the business network in which participating students have integrated. The methodology used in this training program will be both descriptive and practical, although both will be integrated in CLIL methodology, that is, learning content and practice through an additional language, in this case English, looking for the global understanding: listening, speaking, reading and writing; without forgetting the social and cultural context of the host country. As for the impact of a program of this nature will cause, we have to say that sure it will make a great impression within our educational community, the town of Moncada and in the valencian region of "L’Horta Nord", above all, by the widespread it will be done through media such as our award-winning newspaper “El Tierno”, IES website, press office of the Municipality of Moncada, CEFIRE (SVT), radio, TV, etc.; creating with all this and more impact systematic institutional and multisectoral vision of our project. In addition, students participating in this mobility action will obtain a mobility certificate to that achieved allusive language preparation that along with the Europass Mobility Document delivered, give an added, special and meaningful to their “Curriculum Vitae” value. In short, we strongly believe that through this Erasmus + KA1-KA102 our future technicians in electrical engineering program will favour their employability and employment, through technical training in search of excellence from professionals and improve their language skills, as well as have enhanced their personal, social and cultural development in Europe of XXI century.
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