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Teatro, creación e interculturalidad.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The teachers chosen for this mobility are the ones responsible of the School Drama Group, The Reading, Writing and Research Program and the Program for Immersion Language Class. We plan to enhance the professional roles of the teachers involved, for they already have experience working in the fields proposed. Through this training our aim is three - folded: placing our school at a European context; comparing our techniques to those used in other countries; bringing new measures into our school to raise the level in language skills and reducing early dropout rates. The teachers will participate in three different courses: - The drama teacher will enrol in a course on the uses of the tools of theatre to practice the oral skills in a language class. - The teacher in charged of the Reading, Writing and Research Program will opt for a course on the exploit of pedagogical and didactic uses of a work of art in the teaching of languages. - Finally, the teachers responsible of the immersion language class will enrol on a course on intercultural aspects. All the courses will take place during the month of August. At the beginning of next school year- 2015-1016-, they will incorporate the knowledge and skills learnt to their daily teaching, the drama group and the Reading, Writing and Research Program. Besides during their mobility, they will look for partners in order to organize a K2 stage with students, the partnership will be established with schools interested in drama, intercultural aspects and creativity. One of the main impacts will be that the teachers participating in the mobility will in due time teach their colleagues at school. The influence on the students will be seen on the reinforcement of the school programs such as the Drama Group, Reading, Writing and Research Program and the Language Immersion Class. The goal is to improve their oral and written language skills, mainly in Spanish language without leaving foreign languages aside. It is also important to bear in mind that the students in the groups and programs mentioned belonged to different stages and classes, thus the impact of the project is enlarged. There exist also further benefits in the long –run since this training will bring forward the appliance of mobility with students, K2. Therefore, we need to get in contact with schools sharing the same teaching aims; we hope to find some during the stage.
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