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TEAM (Teaching European Adquired Methodologies)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ntra Sra de la Providencia school is located in the outskirts of Palencia (Spain) in a working district of lower middle class and it receives students of diverse nature and origin, some of them are at risk of social exclusion. It has 350 students ,from kindergarten to Secondary Level (ESO), and 20 teachers with a high degree of involvement in the educational process.It is a school with several years of experience in Quality Education, and its Management System has been recognized and endorsed by Junta de Castilla and Leon. The school is characterized by following an active and personalized pedagogy that encourages initiative, creativity and comprehensive development of students; to achieve this comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of students, various learning techniques, active methodologies such as collaborative working and the use of ICT are used .The teaching staff is organized into different groups aimed at the early detection of the school needs and they successfully contribute to implement the changes or improvements that are considered as a priority. This systematic reflection has led us to request this European Mobility Project for learning KA1; we understand this project as a valuable tool for overcoming the difficulties encountered in terms of Europeanization and modernisation of our school.Our goal is focused ,as a priority, on improving academic performance and abilities of our students by means of a new methodology which has already been put into practice in our school. We understand, at the same time, that the training of teachers is essential to achieve success in our aims. The needs identified in terms of quality development in the teaching-learning process are related to the need to innovate and introduce new teaching methods which incorporate for instance, the innovative use of Collaborative Work and Project Based Learning (PBL), integrating all these aspects in an experimental basis within an European academic scope.The possible development of a professional network for exchanging good practices at an European level that can promote future professional development and cultural exchange of our students with other European centers ,derived from these training activities,also highlights the need for the training of teachers in their language skills. This, undoubtedly, will strengthen and develop a greater European consciousness in our school.There are three teachers, from different levels, who have shown their availability for training in this area and who bet strongly on further progress on the way to Europeanize our school and to be open to a much more international education.It is noteworthy that one of the teachers involved in this project belong to the managing staff of school. In addition, they have all participated to a greater or lesser extent, coordinating, organizing or collaborating with the Comenius Project which has been carried out the previous years. All of them form a group eager to continue working to innovate and improve the teaching-learning process and reach a wider European dimension.The training activities that are summarized below are all directly related to the needs identified:- Job Shadowing" with a school in Finland (Hatsalan klassillinen kouluin )order to observe its methodology, classroom activities, organization and implementation of new teaching methods.-Methodology course Spice Up your ideas- Language Teaching MethodologyThe methodology used for the drafting of this project has been active, participatory and collaborative. The drafting and implementation of it has been made by the Language Department with the support and supervision of the management team. The teachers involved have made valuable contributions to the draft.As for the results and the impact we want to achieve they can be summarized in two axes that articulate this project .On the one hand ,to update the methodology of teachers in our school to became more active and to manage groups more effectively and on the other hand, to modernize our center from a European perspective, to create future proffesional networks and optimize the resources the Erasmus + programme is willing to provide us.We are aware of the importance of creating a team of teachers who identify with the philosophy of Erasmus + , which share the principles and values that flow from it , and work actively to achieve the benefits that the European Commission has indicated for schools : Improve teaching and learning, expand pupils’ horizons , encourage professional development, raise your school’s profile and establish alliances with other schools .

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