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Teaching today, meeting the future
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Colegiul National Vladimir Streinu is a public school, secondary level, with a total of 913 students and 58 teachers.The objectives of the project are:O1. Training of 10 teachers in the field of using ITC and e-learningO2. Use by the teachers of ICT and e-learning in the educational processO3. Training of teachers (other than the participants at the mobility activity) to create a "critical mass" to generate changes in educational process, to increase the learning motivation of the students and improve the learning outcomes.O4. Produce of a port-folio of resources in a digital format and a good practice guide, accessible to all the interested persons.O5. Increase of the internationalization of the schoolThe indicators are:1.1 - 10 teachers completing a training programme with a duration of 5 days for developing the ICT usage and e-learning competences, held in a European country2.1 - 40 lessons with ICT and e-learning elements developed by the teachers participants in mobilities in the school year 2016-2017.3.1 - 5 work-shops held in the school year 2016-2017 by the teachers participating in mobilities to disseminate and value the gained competences 3.2 - 40 teachers participating at 5 work-shops4.1 - a port-folio in a digital format, with at least 40 resources to be used in the class-room by teachers of different subjects, port-folio made in 2016-2017 and a good practice guide5.1 - Development, in the school year 2016-2017, of at least 2 partnership at European level, on different themes, following the contacts made during the mobility.Reaching these objectives will match the reach of the needs identified in the European Development Plan. The management activities will take part during all the implementation period. The preparatory activities will target the participants' preparation (pedagogical, cultural and lingvistic). The mobility will consist in the participation of 10 teachers at a training course, to develop the ICT in the class-room.The follow-up activities will aim implementation, dissemination and valorisation of the competences/ skills/ contents/ strategies gained by the participants.The project management will be ensured by the management team, with precise tasks, assumed at the beginning of the project. All the teachers participating at the mobilities will develop the key competences of communication in English, to increase the internationalisation degree of the school and its European dimension. Beside the direct participants, the teachers from the institution will be "contaminated", professional and personal level, valuing the gained competences. They will implement the use of the methods/strategies presented by the colleagues participants at the mobility to make the educational process more effective and to increase the students' motivation.The students will benefit from an improved educational process, based on strategies that will increase the efficiency of learning and will motivate them to learn. Though they aren't the direct participants, they will be the main beneficiary of this project. The institution will benefit from an increase quality of education, improved, with an infusion of European experience and expertize.It will develop at the organizational level, with gainings in the managerial and relational plan and institutional, with improved products/services reaching development targets, all those contributing at the reach of the objectives of the Erasmus + programme.
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