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Teaching Refugees and Demotivated Young adults
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the project is that VUC Storstrøm qualify the development of a model for institutional development, so the school can meet the changing needs of the target groups and the community. This development will build on several years of work to reinforce VUC Storstrøm's strategy, management information systems, internal competences and the physical and technological environment, and modernize education pedagogical and didactical. The organization is now up-to-date and want a further institutional development, where we dynamically and coherent can develop and implement new strategies and activities .The project will contribute with inspiration and knowledge on the involvement of the entire organization and the network around the school in the continued strategic development and implementation of new strategic priorities.Representatives of the pedagogical management will visit schools that have been successful in converting the organization in relation to changing needs of society and which now involve employees in agile development of training and education.VUC Storstrøm want to develop a creative and effective collaboration between teachers and between teachers teams and key staff functions in order to strengthen the implementation of new initiatives. Team leaders and educational consultants will visit schools that have good experience with user-driven development of new teaching methods and re-didacticisation of existing programs with respect to the changing needs of the target groups.Specifically, participants from VUC Storstrøm seek inspiration and knowledge on the following challenges in the near future:1) Refugees. We have a huge task with offers for refugees who have been granted asylum status, and presumably also in relation to refugees granted temporary residence permit. It will be adult education centers that clarify their basic preconditions to start training in Denmark, we must adapt language teaching etc., and we must find ways to involve their very different skills.2) The reform of social benefit system and other changes to the rules for the unemployed, means that young adults under 30 years, as part of their return to the labour market must go through training. VUC Storstrøm gets in this context many unmotivated students with very weak study skills, poor social networks and different personal challenges that we are not used to handle.In addition, VUC Storstrøm's strategy for the period until 2018 has more points which are relevant to this project:- Internationalization must be integrated into all subjects to prepare students for their future studies and working life- Participants should to a high degree be manufacturers, to enhance their learning, practical skills and meta-learningMethodically, the project will use the Pedagogical Think Tank, developed by a PhD student at Aalborg University in connection with the project Global Classroom. The core is a reflexive team that goes through a circular process in six steps, where challenges are identified, requirements are specified and elements for solution are developed; then step 3 is a creative process, then we test solutions, evaluate and finally we implement and anchor the activity in the organisation. Participants in the project will join the Pedagogical Think Tanks, and together with other relevant employees / managers prepare the visit to the recieving school, including the challenges you expect to find inspiration and knowledge for, and how to continue working after the visit. Thereafter the gained inspiration and knowledge contributes to the development of solutions which are tested, and finally the think tank members discuss how experiences are to be implemented and anchored by the management, the teams of teachers and the development consultants.After the project, results will be seen generally in an increased ability of the organization to agile transformation and development; management, staffs and teams of teachers will have a new development-oriented cooperation; and the school's internal competence plan will include new elements which ensure the continued propagation of the results.
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