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Teaching Life in English!
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2011, we have carried out a plan to improve the English language through the project "Enhancing the Implementation of CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) English” (2011-2018). This plan is included in the institutional approach of the Strategic Plan of the Loyola Andalusia and the Canary Foundation. We are part of this Foundation. The project benefits all students 2-18 years old, from the Primary and Secondary Education to High School, not to mention the extra-curricular training school. We have integrated the supply of extracurricular activities in this project so that they are a means to enhance curricular activity, and a good tool to combat school failure and help students with academic need. Through CLIL methodology, the subject of Science is the backbone of our project taught in English at all levels of Primary and Secondary. In addition, also applying CLIL methodology, we teach the contents of the three blocks in Nursery Education curriculum. And we have collected the challenge started in the year 2014-15 to impart Music, Social Science and Mathematics in Secondary, and Technology, Science and Philosophy in High School. Also, we have a work team called "Cell Europe" who has led the realization of this Erasmus+ project titled "Teaching Life in English", trying to pick up the spirit that moves us continue teaching covered in our educational model, just from now, we also want to do it in English, integrating language learning concurrently with the learning content and trying to accomplish the objectives given by the European Commission to provide quality bilingual education to all its citizens. The first diagnosed need was to reinforce the professional profile of teachers to successfully meet the demands that foreign language training requires. The Coordination Team of Erasmus+ "Teaching Life in English” Project have made a selection process according to the needs of the centre and have been approved by the Directing Board of the Centre and supported by the School Board. The participants have been selected through the following criteria: • The active participation in training courses (Linguistics and Methodology) for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 courses. • The level of English competence, based on the priority to form : a) Early Childhood Education teachers with A2/B1 level b) Educational Teachers Preschool / Primary with B2 level c) Secondary teachers with level with A2/B1 levels d) Secondary /High School Teachers with B2 level • Teachers whose areas are taught, or will be taught,in future courses, with CLIL methodology: a) CLIL in Early Childhood Education. b) Science in Primary Education. c) Science in Secondary Education. d) Social Secondary Education. e) Music in Secondary Education. f) Technology in Secondary Education. g) Technology in High School. h) Science in High School. i) Philosophy in High School. • Teacher coordinator of the English Empowerment Project. • High School English teachers. • English teacher in extracurricular activities. The 18 participating teachers will undertake the next linguistic and methodological courses: • Better English for teachers. (5 participants) • CLIL for Primary and Secondary Teachers : Maths and Science. CLIL Practical Ideas for the Classroom. (4 participants) • CLIL for Primary and Secondary Teachers : Arts and Humanities. CLIL Practical Ideas for the Classroom. (2 participants) • Developing Oral Fluency in the Secondary English Language Classroom. (1 participant) • Creative Methodology for Teachers. (1 participant) • Linguistic C1 level course leading to obtain the Advanced Certificate of English (CAE) from Cambridge University. (3 participants) • Attendance at an international event (Congress) related to CLIL methodology. (1 participant) As for the impact these activities may have on teachers in particular, and to the educational community in general, we value they will have a deep effect through programmed activities which will be carried out when this learning stage has been completed. All the 1399 students at the school will be the beneficiaries of this teacher training project. There is an added benefit: The European dimension we want to give to education we give to our school. The awareness campaign designed by the team of Cell Europe makes use of the various communication resources there are in the school. Through these four media, the entire educational community will know the existence and development of the European project "Teaching Life in English": • Radio station : Radio ECCA (radio run by the Loyola Andalusia and the Canary Foundation of the Community of Jesuits). • Home page : • Facebook : • Online Courses:

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