Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The internationalization of businesses in many fields requires our youth to have new qualifications, especially in regards to international cooperation and the ability to understand international relationships.The international projects of the HTL Vöcklabruck make it possible for students and teachers to become familiar with economic, political, and cultural situations in other countries.The HTL Vöcklabruck began an intern exchange in 1998, and, as part of this program, more than 300 students have successfully completed job internships in Europe and the U.S.A. to date.Through the program “Teachers4Europe”, teachers participating in the project are given the opportunity to attend an event in another European country for their continuing education.Effects of the current project are that participants gain work experience relevant to their future career path, acquire new and deepen existing practical and theoretical knowledge, improve their competency in a foreign language, and work in a new environment, therefore strengthening their social and personal skills.

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