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Teachers On Stage (T.O.S)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Teachers On Stage (T.O.S.) project aims at meeting the 2 challenges our school has set for the years to come :- The first is linked to the launch of the new national curriculum requiring our school to pay more attention to the individual needs of our pupils by granting them a central position in their learning pathway.Initiative, accountability, co-operation and commitment are the new curriculum’s key words that caught our eye and have motivated us to deposit this new Erasmus+ application.- The second has to do with the observation that our pupils display a high level of non-commitment and even passiveness regarding their learning path. Our school, which has been involved for a number of years in European Comenius and Erasmus+ projects (our current school project 2015-2017 being an excellent illustration of our past involvement), wishes to offer to a number of voluntary and chosen teachers the possibility to immerge themselves for a week in the life of either an English-speaking school in the UK and/or Malta or a pioneer school in the field of collaborative pedagogics in Finland.This project finds its origin in a deeply felt need for further training, to make our fundamental teaching more lively and therefore more motivating. Participating teachers will collect films, photos and practices during their stays, which can then be used in class to improve their teaching and make them more relevant in the current context. These tools will also be shared with other colleagues via the e-twinning platform.An active pupil participation needs to be based on an assessment of the pupils’ needs and learning profiles. We think that we will be able to benefit from our partners’ successful experience in this field and we wish to learn from them to create an environment that allows our pupils to have fun while learning and that therefore boosts their curiosity and enthusiasm to learn.During their one-week stays abroad, the teachers will be able to observe and participate in a diversity of educational systems. They will focus their attention mainly on the following aspects :- Co-operation within and between classes.- Awareness of multiple intelligence levels and ways of taking them into account when developing differentiating pedagogical practices.- Ways to involve parents in their children’s work and progress at school (parent-teacher relationship and educational co-operation). - Role of the parent-teacher associations in the everyday life of the school and use of web platforms to promote collaboration.- Importance of pupils’ participation in assessment practices.- Role of new technologies (smartboards, blogs, platforms, videoconferences, etc.).- Links between foreign languages and other subjects to promote European citizenship.Albert Camus Elementary School has already been recognised as a pole of excellence in the teaching of foreign languages and wishes to develop its skills in the fields of collaborative and participative work as well. In the longer run and encouraged by this momentum of discovery and openness, our school will undoubtedly manage to transform these new pedagogical practices in order to satisfy the demands of both our pupils and their parents. It will use the practices observed and learned abroad to boost our pupils’ willingness to learn.To train our teachers so that they can become active partners in our pupils’ learning experience is a prerequisite for them to grow and develop into active European citizens.On a side note, we will also apply for a new Erasmus+ Action 2 Co-operation and Partnerships project on parent-teacher relationships. Our involvement will be that of a project partner (the lead partner being a Belgian consortium).

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3 Partners Participants