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Teacher training to improve attractiveness and quality of management education through the simulation tool ‘Emerald Forest’ (MST-EF)

The project MST-EF addresses the issue of training and practicing management skills which is a necessity in business and mainly in SME’s. Management training needs to be interdisciplinary, interactive, international and effective in the way of giving the trainees the necessary professional competences and understanding of management processes. The Management Simulation Tool ‘Emerald Forest’ which is being adapted and transferred to the project partnerinstitutions is a virtual, internet-based simulation which at the same time involves real-life group work in a highly competitive and interactive environment. The project is aimed at training the teachers in order to apply the tool in professional training in higher education and life long learning contexts. MST-EF provides the partners flexibility to produce new assignments and activities (user generated content) and integrate the tool in training various aspects of management in an attractive and stimulating way. The project has the following main objectives:• Adapt MST-EF to the local situations and apply it in partnerinstitutions in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Germany;• Improve the tool with experiences and assignments from the partner countries and users;• Develop and test a teacher training module and train teachers;• Disseminate the information on the tool among prospective users, professionals, people already in the labour market.• Develop exploitation plan for application of the tool in the management training.
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7 Partners Participants