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Teacher Refresher Course (with CLIL)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nuestra Señora de la Merced y San Francisco Javier is a semi private catholic school directed by the Jesuits. It provides an integral education and among the many projects carried out in the centre, the importance of language teaching clearly stands out. It has been a bilingual school since the academic year 2006-2007 and was the first semi private school in the city to be officially recognized as such. Since then the bilingual project has been integrated into all of the different school stages from Infants to secondary. In infants besides the fun based English lessons the children receive reading and writing classes with a native English teacher using the synthetic phonics method. The bilingual section as such has been inmplated throughout primary and secondary school providing the pupils with content language and integrated learning using the English language as the medium of instruction providing them with opportunities to use their language skills as well as developing a linguistic and cultural awareness. A second foreign language (French) is introduced in the 5th course of primary school. As complementary activities to our bilingual section and language teaching in our centre, it is important to point out the following: • Participation of teacher and pupils in international exchange programmes. • Conversation classes with native English speakers. • International collaboration sharing experiences and giving and receiving class. • We are the ONLY preparation and examining centre for CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH FOR SCHOOLS in the city hence our students can prepare for and obtain internationally recognized English qualifications. • Teacher training centre. In seek of excellence in the the teaching-learning process and the continued formation of our staff, the centre would like to send eight teachers to the course which is to be carried out by Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre. These members of staff are English language teachers or teach in the bilingual section , their professional profiles are as follows: 1. The general chief of studies, coordinator of The Cambridge English for School projest and English teacher in secondary school. 2. The coordiator of the bilingual section, coordInator of the Cambridge English for schools in primary. 3. An Infants and primary English teacher. 4. An English teacher and coordinator of 1st and 2nd of secondary. 5. Three teachers from the bilingual section. 6. One primary school teacher. The activities which will be carried out in the course are related to: • Teaching oral skills (vocabulary, pronunciation and oral expression) • Teaching writing skills (written comprehension and expression) • The use of technological applications and digital boards. • The use and application of new and innovative teaching methods. • Cultural aspects of the host country (Ireland) All of these activites contribute to the personal and professional development of those who attend the course as well as providing an exceptional opportunity for language immersion. Given the dinamic and participative nature of the cousre integrating individual work with group work , the use of technology and observation of classwork we expect that the benefits and impact of participating will result in: • improvement and update of the participants’ languange skills. • Gaining knowledge of the newest methods applied in the teaching of English. • Gaining new and practical ideas for the English classroom. • Improving English comprehension and expression with a view to didactic use. Our school is pioneer in English teaching having implanted Cambridge English for Schools this year, a project through which our students can prepare and obtain internatinally recongnised qualifiactions. This project has had an important impact not only among academic circles but also in the city of Burgos maintaining the centre’s prestige and reputation as a leader in the field of language instruction. It would be a privelage for us to share our experience with the Bridge Mills Galway Language Centre. The opportunity to further develop our skills as teachers, to improve our language skills and incorporate new technology into our language classrooms while providing our students with an insight into the traditions and cultures of other European countries will contribute enormously to the quality of the education we aim to provide our students with.

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