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Teacher Mobilities Bromangymnasiet
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bromangymnasiet in Hudiksvall is situated in a region of very high unemployment, among the young it is the highest percentage in the country (25 %). Our school has the task and mission to develop an intercultural teaching practice supported by innovative methods and entrepreneurship to achieve a more entrepreneurial learning for the benefits of our students. For some years now, we have run a number of international projects to develop our school and the training provided, and our experience is that it is a successful means to foster an international spirit to help make young people mobile and apt to actively seek a career or education in other European countries. It is of great importance that the teachers expose themselves to the international experiences we prompt our students to seek. Going abrouad for work shadowing is a step in the right direction. Participating teachers learn new methods to develop their teaching to enable a growing number of students succeed in their learning, which will impove their odds on the European work market. The method to obtain the targets is to enable our teachers to develop their own learning as well as the learning of others through a greater intercultural understanding, improved lingusitic skills, stonger professional skills and an enhanced self-esteem. The international perspective provided by the project makes it possible to view oneself from a European perspective, which helps the individual to (also) take the steps forward as they are included in an international context which prompts initiative. The participant teachers learn new methods to develop their teaching to make a greater number of students succeed in their learning. In line with the aims for Education 2020, we add to our students' opportunities by making them more attractive in their future work fields by making them develop entrepreneurial skills, their professional special skills as well as their cultural know-how and understanding. We do this by developing the entrepreneurial learning by focusing on ICT pedagogy, collaboration between education and enterprises increased student influence and tutoring/mentoring as well as by by adding to their linguistic competences and sense of democracy as a result of them being included in an international context. At this stage, 14 of our teachers will perform five days of work shadowing and study how teachers in carefully chosen schools work with a strong development in the chosen fields of interest, i.e. Modern Languages, Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. The participants will be selected upon submission of an application, and they will then prepare for the time abroad linguistically and culturally. We will use the chart provided by the commission and also create learning agreements an formulate learning outcomes for all participants. To some degree this as well as the post-visit activities will be done together with teachers from other schools as we wish for them to cooperate across the curriculum in their respective subjects. The Bromangymnasiet project group - principals, an administrator and a coordinator - organises all activities that relate to the work shadowing. The group is in charge of and responsible for selecting participants, communicating with partners, establishing various agreements/contracts, practicalities such as bookings, economy, evaluation and dissemination of the project results. By partaking in this project, we expected of participating teachers to develop their teaching practice to a more entrepreneurially featured kind that supplies the students with tools to succeed in their field of training. We know from experience that international echanges generate increased competences, a greater intercultural understanding, improved lingusitic skills and an enhanced self-esteem. Teachers who participated in work shadowing still share their experiences and learning outcomes with colleagues. This project will further the progression in the eduactional development as well as the internationalisation in a positive way. We are indeed satisfied with the evaluations and outcomes.

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