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Teacher Development
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RGO is a secondary school, located "on Flakkee", which aims more and more at digitalising, internationalising and quality improvement. Digitalising because the school has incorporated the iPad in its first form. In '15-'16 all our students in 1st and 2nd form will work with iPads (+/- 440): - connect to the way modern pupils obtain their knowledge - connect to increasing digitalisation of society in general - prepare the pupils well for follow-up education - increase the number of pupils We would like to see how the iPad, social media and games can be implemented in all our subjects (not only languages) and to develop lessons/design projects for our school. Therefore it is most important that teachers learn how to work with iPad/social media/games, how to use the various apps and where to find them. This will increase their insight on the limitless possibilities tablets have to offer (and how they can help you differentiate). Internationalising because the school wants to prepare its pupils for a society that is becoming more and more international and multi-cultural and make them active, aware and involved participants of that society. The school feels that internationalisation is still in its infancy and therefore sees the courses as a great opportunity to expand its network for both virtual and physical exchanges, so our pupils will be crossing borders both virtually and physically. In the future the school would also like to apply for another Erasmus Plus KA2-grant (thanks to last year's grant we have been able to set up a KA2-application this year). Possible partners can be met during the various courses. Quality improvement because the school wants to keep on improving the education that it offers. In order to remain one of the best scoring school in The Netherlands it is necessary for more colleagues to take part in these courses and develop their skills, revitalize their teaching practice. This way they can set new initiatives, inspire other colleagues and be an example for their students. The most relevant topics addressed by our project: - new innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses - international cooperation, international relations, development cooperation - quality improvement institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) -Success Course: English immersion course to improve speaking skills *Participant: teacher of Dutch, i-coach, coach debating team; wants to be involved in international activities, is held back by her limited English speaking skills -Jobshadowing: learn how to integrate internationalisation in school policy, about iPad usage and teaching the 4 skills (languages); look at yourself/school/subject from a different perspective *Participants: 2 teachers (English/French), coordinators internationalisation; responsible for development, organisation and alignment international activities -TSP Game-based Learning: how to integrate games in lessons *Participants: 2 teachers (history, also i-coach/Art), design interactive lessons with games, create critical thinkers -TSP STEM: to acquire iPad skills, both for teaching and using, learning about specific apps (maths) *Participants: 2 Maths teachers; both i-coach; design interactive lessons, change conservative p.o.v. of colleagues as to digitalisation -Goethe SuperIntensiv1: immersion course to improve German speaking skills *Participant: German teacher, coach debating team; take German speaking to the highest level -TSP (general): to acquire iPad skills, both for teaching and using, and learning about specific apps (French) *Participant: French teacher; limited ICT-skills, design iPad-lessons for French + projects - European Studies Programme: for the development and evaluation of international projects *Participants: 2 teachers (English/Dutch), work on + evaluate international projects with project partners, maintain/expand international network -Creative Methodology: to revitalize English lessons *Participants: 2 teachers of English; responsible for curriculum design English department -Social Media-Curation: how to integrate social media *2 teachers (Economics, also i-coach and team leader/French); design lessons for both subjects and international projects, stay up-to-date. All these courses are known for their good methodology and modern, up-to-date and sophisticated approach. The trainers have years of experience and expertise. Besides training the participants, they will monitor the participants' progress and projects. We expect to make a huge leap with regard to innovation and internationalisation. Furthermore we will have expanded our international network which will make it possible to design and carry out future virtual projects and/or physical exchanges. Our school will deliver more internationally orientated pupils, because they have received high-standard education, taught by well-trained professionals who possess the skills the 21st century requires.
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