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Teacher Changemaker Movement
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project has the ambition to develop a strong European network of schools, municipalities and companies, for the promotion of exchanges of internship both for teachers and students, without intermediary agencies. These exchanges will be supported by a common understanding of the intended results, which will be acquired by training teachers to use and design units of learning outcomes. . According to ECVET a unit of learning outcomes is “ a component of a qualification, consisting of a coherent set of knowledge , skills and competence, that can be assessed and validated”. In the project the units of learning outcomes will refer both to the common core and to specialized skills. The teachers’ training will take place during the mobilities, and it will turn into an extraordinary help in improving students’ learning and motivation. Need analysis Here are some of the needs the project is intended to meet. • In high secondary schools the number of drop outs remains unacceptably high, and is likely to increase the number of NEET further. The reason why students drop out of school is very often a lack of motivation. Many European countries are successfully tackling this problem by fostering students’ workplace training . That’s why it is so important to offer students internships in both national and foreign companies. • According to Mc Kinsey report, Education to Employment (2014) , employers are dissatisfied with applicants’ skills: 27% reported that they have left a vacancy open in the past year because they could not find anyone with the right skills ! Moreover they complain the lack of basic skills and soft skills such as spoken communication and team working. The workplace training and the use of units of learning outcomes are very good strategies to help students learn these competencies. • There is a compelling need to improve educational and labor mobility by making vocational qualifications transferable across borders. This is possible by applying ECVET, that is to say qualifications based on units of learning outcomes. Although the difficulty in recognizing units of learning outcomes achieved abroad is widespread in EU countries, in Italy, the situation is even worse because national qualification levels are not yet linked to the European Qualification Framework (EQF). That’s why this project is so important. • Last but not least it is necessary to train schools to coordinate and write Erasmus plus projects by themselves, without intermediary agencies. Objectives and expected results • Building a strong independent network of European schools, municipalities and companies for the implementation of exchanges of internship both for teachers and students • Helping schools get acquainted with units of learning outcomes according to ECVET methodology • Having teachers master units of learning outcomes in the development of school qualifications • Increase in students' motivation to learn • Improvement in students’ basic skills and soft skills • Progress in teachers’ use of spoken and written English

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