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Start date: Sep 14, 2015, End date: Nov 13, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of this project is that several professionals were working together on an EU project and identified the need for development of training and materials of educators of children with cerebral visual impairment. Since then the project idea has developed and the group became bigger because it's necessary to connect health care and education professionals together to address this area of need. Therefore the group behind this project comes from a cross sector of professionals that are all connected to the vision field in some way. The objectives of this project are to produce training and teaching materials for teachers, a scanning tool and guidelines for health care and educational professionals. The project group has seen that this kind of training, tools and guidelines are lacking in the European environment of vision. The number of project partners are seven and the profile of them are various. The National Institute for the Blind is experienced in participating in projects nationally and internationally and will be responsible for leading the project. Positive Eye is a training company that will be responsible for developing the seminars (where we train the teacher advisor) it is to be held for professionals across Europe and the partnership organizations. The Royal Blind School - Edinburgh . will be used as a pilot school to try out the resources. This allows the products developed by the partnership to be tried and tested with the teachers and the students with cerebral visual impairment. SPSM - the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools is a Research Centre for children with vision loss due to brain damage. SPSM conducts special needs vision assessments and educational advice. They will be responsible for gathering information for the project and pilot the screening and guidelines and other resources that will be put forward. The University of LEUVEN is to be involved in the project and will be represented by Prof Dr Els Ortibus. Dr. Els Ortibus who is a leading specialist in CVI within Europe and will be responsible for creating a screening tool for cerebral visual impairment. ChildVision, Dublin, is Ireland’s National Education Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired children and young people. ChildVision will fulfil the internal moderation function, ensuring through specific methodological means that the ongoing evaluation ensures the project remains on target, in terms of generating an end result with the potential to improve teaching strategies and benefit learners. The Icelandic Diagnostic Center is known for their extensive knowledge of children with disabilities. A paediatrician from the centre who is one of the most experienced doctors in the field in Iceland at working with children with visual impairment will have on their responsible for developing guidelines for health and educational professionals in partnership with University of Leuven. The activities that are going to be supported by this project is intellectual output of knowledge of cerebral vision impairment. This is done by making a educational resources, training materials and seminar for teachers. The methodology used in carrying out the project will be a typical project management methodology. 1. Initiation, 2. planning and design, 3. execution, 4. monitoring and control and 5. closing. We have already begun in the first steps of the project where we have already initiated the idea and started to plan it with budget control, scope and responsibilities. It's not until we have our first meeting where the execution of the project begins where we will over a three year period work on the resource material, web site, develop the screening and the guidelines, host a multiplier event and workshops in our own countries. We envisage that through our project there will be awareness raising in Europe that we can help to fulfill a need for special training for teachers working with students with cerebral visual impairment and that we can help to fulfill that need with our training material, screening and guidelines. Through our work we hope health care and educational professionals will be more interested and have increased knowledge in cerebral visual impairment and more children will be identified and receive the help they need for their disability. It is well known that children that don't recognize their fellow students because of things like face blindness experience barriers. The potential longer term benefits of the project is that the knowledge of CVI will be included in the training of teachers that work with students with CVI and they will no longer be thought to not have the ability to read or write, their right for literacy will be the same as fellow students in the school system.

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