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Taste of Life, regional healthy food in schools
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background In many European countries young consumers do not eat healthy and they have bad nutrition habits, with all consequences of that. Also the meals prepared in schools are not always balanced. Students also do not have a good knowledge about nutrition. Ingredients used for schoolmeals are not always good. Regional products could be a good alternative. This project aims to contribute to better and healthy meals in schools and to a promotion of the use of regional products. Objectives The above formulated aim can be split up in a number of (summarized) more concrete objectives: 1. School canteens will provide healthy food, delivered by regional suppliers/producers, 2. To realise that lessons in healthy food and nutrition habits are implemented and becomes part of the curriculum in schools, 3. Each region develops a community of practice with relevant stakeholders, for dissemination and exploitation, 4. An exchange of best practices and additional mobilities of actors (teachers, trainers, others) and pupils are expected to contribute to a better understanding and to the development of networks, 5. To present recommendations about adjustments of regional policy on healthy regional food on schools will be realised. Number and profile of participants Participants are on different levels: Teachers/trainers, students, staff in school canteens, regional producers, regional government. Indirectly also parents can be involved. The total number of participants will be over 250, partly in internatonal meetings, mainly in national dissemination events. Description of activities Main activities are: Development of intellectual outputs: - Good Practices in the participating countries. - Learning materials for young consumers - Training manual for trainers: how to use the learning materials. - Manual Quality Assurance Also the set-up of national/regional Communities of Practice (CoP) will be foreseen, as well as a website. In the CoP, all relevant actors will meet and work on better meals and the use of regional products. Apart of meetings of the Core Unit, and some other transnational meetings (including a big training event), the focus will also be on the national multiplier events. Methodology The core unit will coordinate the project; project management will use basic principles of QA and HACCP Experts from different nationalities will work on the development of intellectual outputs Learning material will be competency based (learning outcomes related to national qualifications profiles) For that it will be very practical, with a direct link to changes in school canteens. It will stimulate and invite students to participate in these improvements The CoP will be characterised by an open structure, where all actors can meet and work together. Results and impact At the end of the project there will be a number of active CoP's on national level. The relevant stakeholders will continue to meet, also after the project has ended. On a number of schools, the new developed learning materials will be used and become a part of the regular curriculum On a number of schools regional products will be used for the preparation of school meals. In general the project (hopes to) contribute to a better health of the young generation and a more sustainable agriculture.

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