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Tarptautinė patirtis - sėkmingas profesinio tobulėjimo kelias
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational training role in promoting entrepreneurship - based approach and behavior at the moment it is very important. Effectively developing creativity, initiative, entrepreneurship, to help young people to creative thinking and innovation, to take the initiative, to develop flexibility and independence. Education in entrepreneurship increases new companies and new opportunities for job creation, greater economic reward and social satisfaction. The responsibility for the preparation is a specialist vocational education and training institution, the training content, didactic, managerial and Nordic provisions must be constantly adapted to the needs of the labor market. Continuous and rapid change is possible only by constantly learning and open change educational institution. More successful professional skills and competencies to and demonstrates the teacher, who is constantly learning and improving not only their professional, but they are also exacerbating general competencies. Often the case, a lack of competence of teachers, as a problem, when what is lacking is not theoretical knowledge and practical experience associated with entrepreneurship. In this area, it is necessary to improve the situation and, therefore, to the problems and experience - oriented education are of particular importance to fostering entrepreneurship based on thinking and entrepreneurial skills. The project "International experience - for successful professional improvement way" main objective is through the countries of the EU experience, vocational schools to develop a person, an individual's professional activities packet next warlord willing and able to adapt to changing social, economic life. To achieve that objective will be organised mobility visits, during which the teachers for more efficient entrepreneurship acquired competence development experience, taking over the project partners' experience. Students in the practice foreign service sector develop entrepreneurial skills, self-confidence, autonomy, initiative and will learn to analyze problems and make decisions, the use of critical thinking, to the objective, to assess their potential and calculated risk taking, as well as access to life given opportunities, strengthening links between theory and practice in foreign countries entrepreneurship training environment. The expected outcome of the project - a highly skilled teachers, students prepared methodological guidance for entrepreneurship to develop, which will be used and other vocational teachers. We hope that the more effective entrepreneurship in school education will encourage students to objectively analyze business ideas, to effectively address the problems, to communicate, to participate in social networks, to take the lead and to assess any project. Students will be more ambitious in own business ideas. Practice in foreign countries will provide students with more labor market professional motivation, entrepreneurial competence, the key competences, which will help to find work, work with the employer or the establishment of their business. Selected four the host organization in Italy, Germany, Cyprus and Portugal; 6 profession teachers and 24 students will take part in the project.

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