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Tarptautinė patirtis paslaugų teikėjams
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Alytus Vocational Training Centre 2014 Erasmus+: in Leonardo da Vinci programme mobility project „International experience for service providers“ participate 3 equal Lithuanian and 3 other EU countries vocational training institutions. Sending partners: Alytus vocational training centre, Kaunas vocational training centre of social services and construction business specialists, Klaipeda service and business school. Host partners: Institute „Infeba“ (Germany), Education consulting and recruitment agency in Austria (Austria), IES Las Indias vocational school (Spain) Project participants – IVT group, initial vocational training level students of the final course, learning social nurse, hairdresser and visual advertisement producer training programmes and VETPRO group, vocational teachers, teaching according to social nurse, hairdresser and visual advertisement producer training programmes. Aims of the project: - to improve students technological knowledge and competencies, increase the competitiveness of future specialists in the labour market, familiarizing them with the quality of provision of services, innovations of work, qualifying requirements applied in other EU countries as well as national peculiarities; - to improve students social and general competencies: intercultural communication, skills of socialization, working in team as well as skills of foreign language; - to develop students international mobility, their ability to evaluate their competencies and integrate themselves into the international labour market; - to allow vocational teachers to improve professional competencies, to take the best educational practices over and to apply them in their educational institutions; - to give to each vocational teacher a possibility to evaluate their professional activity newly, to plan professional development, to try new teaching/learning methods and new technological equipment creatively; - to allow vocational teachers to develop their personal initiative, to improve their qualification when sharing good practice experience with Lithuanian and foreign countries colleagues. Student of social nurse, hairdresser and visual advertisement producer training programmes need to deepen their theoretical knowledge using modern technologies and equipment, to get acquainted with work and establishement of business and its organization within EU countries in order to be able to find their place into changeable labour market and establish workplaces for themselves and other people. Theoretical professional knowledge is important to all students, however, professional working skills and competencies are also significant. As emigration and immigration in Lithuania increases and tourism develops, foreign language knowledge of speciality, self-confidence and self-reliance also become very important as well as general and communicative competencies of young future specialists which are relevant in a work of employee of service and maintenance sphere. Vocational school students must be acquainted with application possibilities of information technologies and computer programs in order to achieve faster and more qualitative service of customers, innovations of entrepreneurship, modern technologies and equipment, culture of service. During the internships, vocational teachers will realize the following needs: to improve their professional qualification and competencies; to get acquainted with foreign countries vocational training innovations, modern technologies corresponding to EU requirements; to share the acquired experience with colleagues, take the best vocational training practices over in order to apply it in their work; to convey acquired knowledge to their students that future employee would correspond to the needs of employers and contemporary labour market both in Lithuania and European Union countries. Under this project we will seek that vocational teachers of social nurse, hairdresser and visual advertisement producer training programmes would have a possibility to improve their practical and professional skills participating in the internships of foreign country organizations where the employees of such profession are trained, discover ICT usage examples for the improvement of teaching quality and evaluate the experience of colleagues when developing students learning motivation, self-sufficiency and so on.

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