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Tarptautinė patirtis jūrinio sektoriaus darbuotojų rengimo srityje
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Klaipeda shipping school carries out the initial vocational training programme which is focused on training of specialist for the shipping and maritime sector. The main aim of school is to ensure teaching/learning process quality in order to prepare specialists who would be able to integrate successfully into the international shipping and maritime labor market. 2016-2020 school strategy provides an update of the vocational training programs gradually moving towards modular training programs in which learners will be able to obtain qualifications on a piecemeal basis. The training will be organized in separate focused on learning outcomes modules and duration of the training will be defined by credits. This will enable us to use the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) elements.Therefore it is particularly relevant to improve school specialists’ professional and management skills. Bearing in mind the specific and urgent needs of our school students and personnel, it is particularly important to gain experience in such countries as Germany and Portugal. These are maritime nations which are represented by well-developed ports and port companies and without any doubt innovative and effective vocational training system.The main project aims are the following:-to create all possible opportunities for the vocational teachers and staff responsible for the organization of vocational training to improve their professional skills and competencies and to apply the acquired knowledge in their educational institution;- to create personal opportunities for the teachers to write a self-assessment, to create a profession development plan, to test new teaching/learning methods and technologies;- to encourage personal initiative of the vocational teachers, to develop their professional qualification, to disseminate best practices;- to gain knowledge and practical experience how to set up a modular training program and to adapt ECVET elements;- acquainting students with the service quality, work innovations and qualification requirements in foreign countries, to improve their technology knowledge and skills, to increase the competitiveness of the future specialists;- to improve social and general competencies, the intercultural communication, socialization, teamwork and foreign language skills;- to develop students’ international mobility, their ability to assess competencies and to integrate into the labor market.The receiving organizations are Institute “Infeba” in Germany and European Project Development, (E.P.D) in Portugal.The planned activities are the following:-staff (vocational training specialists) mobility A1;-students’ mobility A2A1 mobility target groups:- 4 vocational training specialists who represent seaman-cook, seaman-welder and ship’s motorman-electrician initial vocational training programmes go to Germany;- logistics professional teacher, professional English language teacher and representative of school administration go to Portugal.A2 mobility target group consists of 17 the final 3rd year students. A special working group will be set up in order to organize and carry out all project activities.The expected results for A1 mobility participants:1. improved personal and professional skills and competencies of IT tools usage;2. improved special competencies and acquired knowledge about international labour market and its changes;3. acquired knowledge on the newest technologies and advanced equipment used in the port and shipping companies;4. acquired knowledge and practical experience how to set up a modular training program 5. acquired knowledge on the ECVET using in vocational training;6. improved international cooperation between educational institutions and foreign partners;7. acquired knowledge on the vocational training system abroad and improved strategic planning competencies.The expected results For A2 mobility participants:1. acquired practical experience in a real work environment;2. improved communication, foreign language and socialization skills;3. acquired knowledge on the newest technologies and advanced equipment used in the port and shipping companies;4. acquired knowledge on an employee qualification reguirements and work culture in foreign countries;5. acquired international work experience and social skill of living in an international society.The long-term impact and benefit of the project:- increased school attractiveness in the region, as well as local communities;- created final products, which can be widely used as an additional didactic material, improved teaching/learning process quality, school strategic objectives will be realized through participation in the international Project;- acguired knowledge, strengthened tolerance, improved general competencies and formed the new ones, established international network of contacts;- updated general school activities in the country and in all Europe.
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