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Tarımsal AR-GE ve Eğitim Faaliyetlerinin AB Perspektifiyle Geliştirilmesi
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Union, to provide for a sustainable economic recovery and development and to integrate education and research at all levels aims to create a European Common Training Area. Our project named "Improving Agricultural R & D and Training Activities with the Perspective of EU" will contribute this strategic goal because it contains of sharing existing knowledge with EU member states and increasing the dual education and R & D facilities. According to the project, a 10 days mobility arrangement between 16.05.2016-30.06.2016 is planned to Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources Instiute operating in Thermi Thessaloniki in Greece. With this project we aim to see the technology and new approaches appyled in Greece about plant breeding and growing techniques of field crops, horticultural crops, medical and aromatic plants and forage crops, R & D work, laboratory and related training services. Twenty participants that will take part in the project are as follows: 15 people from our institution that have developed the new kinds as a result of plant breeding works, have implemented or still implementing projects about breeding techniques, carrying out R & D activities about field crops, horticultural crops, medical and aromatic plants and forage crops and and making soil and quality analysis in the food and technology laboratory; 3 faculty members that work in Siirt University Department of Field Crops and 2 experts from Diyarbakır Plant Protection Research Station that carrying out R & D projects about the phytosanitary. As the results of the mobility arrangement; knowledge, skills and behaviors of the participants involved in the project will rise, the participating institutions capacity development will be provided and also in later years the organizations will be led to make similar studies. Whereby, the content and quality of the education that participants give to the target groups (students of universities, Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry's technical staff in different departments, agricultural companies, farmers) and disadvantaged groups (young farmers carrying out agricultural activities in rural areas, idle women in agricultural family companies, etc.) will be strengthened.
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