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Tarım Teknolojileri Alanı Öğrencilerinin Avrupa Stajı
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project cankiri, Malatya, Konya andAgriculture Tefenni studying in the field of Vocational High School of Agricultural Technology 11 and 12 class is intended for students . Our project is 14 days in July 2015 date will be realized . Belgian flow Tefenni Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students one companion teacher , Germany flow cankiri Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students one companion teachers and Malatya Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students one companion teacher , Spain flow cankiri Agricultural Vocational High School 12 students one companion teacher , Czech Republic stream Konya 10 students from the agricultural School teachers will attend one companion . Our country , geographical structure, climate and agricultural production and the production of varieties that have the potential to have an important place in the world of agriculture . Today , the agricultural sector , and the development of modern agriculture and the provision of services in terms of both agricultural shows a rapid development . With new technologies, the development of the agricultural sector and the need for quality workforce spread gradually increases. In our country , agricultural production factors more effective use of modern agricultural practices, development, quality and productivity , boosting agriculture-related organizations strengthen institutional capacity , institutional service flow observed in the elimination of problems in the sector, in resource allocation efficiency and the rational use of the provision of producer organizations , strengthening the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises increasing strength in the development and marketing network , Agricultural Technology in the field of vocational training and will be trained in this area is a great responsibility to intermediate members . Of course, knowledge, skills and work habits to perform high efficiency of skilled manpower , the country has contributed significantly to the progress and development . Participants our students , they continue their profession in Agricultural School in courses related to the fields of theoretical training is provided . But these students' vocational training practical aspects remains very weak , the rapid changes and developments that are experiencing today's modern farming techniques and agricultural services closely görememektedir.çünk students the practical aspects of knowledge and skills leading the development of business skills in education and training in our region enough modern sector agencies is not the school for soundproofing in case yapılmaktadır.Bu düşürmektedir.eksik the employability of students who graduate education students to be employed in the agricultural sector is not met, the intermediate member is in need . In our country of the European Union harmonization process of the agriculture sector for skilled technicians to meet the needs of the students society's objectives and business environment demands of the profession in line with the required knowledge , skills and competencies of the application is necessary to impart . Therefore, training will be conducted in agricultural enterprises in Europe With this project, Agricultural Technology in the field of students , professional knowledge , skills, attitudes and behaviors to develop their business life, adaptation to the agricultural sector, the actual production and service environment to catch up , in schools without facilities , equipment to become familiar with the foreign language learning , today's farming conditions closely to follow technological developments and methods to ensure compliance with the internship work in agricultural holdings in the EU countries do, to have a job when they graduate and are intended to be employed in the agricultural sector . Our project expected results ; European agriculture business done in internship work with the resulting new knowledge and techniques , our region is transferred , more modern, quality and production of high levels of agricultural practices to be made , innovation will be encouraged , the agricultural sector needs qualified workers will be met, the EU common agricultural policy feet be accommodated , diverse culture and language features that people of this country to know each other , through interaction between cultures, a rapprochement will be provided, students , sustainable technical knowledge, skills and competencies to be developed , employment and on the job productivity will increase, self-confidence will develop European awareness will occur , foreign languages ​​will develop , the companion of our teachers ; personal , professional, cultural and language development will contribute to our schools , agricultural training in service quality , competitiveness , entrepreneurship and productivity capacity will be strengthened, the EU adaptation level will rise , homeowners with our partners agricultural education cooperation in the facility
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7 Partners Participants