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Target language improvement in the MFL classroom
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have a focus in school about improving literacy and within MFL we are very keen on improving the pupils speaking skills along with reading and writing. This project would put emphasis mainly upon speaking and listening meaning that pupils would have the opportunity to develop improved accent and vocabulary and confidence in using the target language. We would like to improve attainment within MFL and pupils’ attitude to language learning. We teach both French and Spanish as a foreign language, and this staff member would like to develop skills that are necessary to challenge and stretch the most able students in her 3rd language. We would hope to increase the use of spoken target language in lessons and set up an exchange or pen pal scheme with a partner school, using audio and video, in order to ‘bring French to life’ more and to give our staff the opportunity to experience another educational system and observe good practice. along with building a strong international link with the link school. We want to engage and motivate our students to take an interest in French culture and increase their attainment within languages, motivating our students to study French to GCSE. We would also like the opportunity to find new teaching methods and appropriate resources to allow us to engage pupils of all levels. We would like to create a project within our school to focus on the above aims. This project would last for one year and as part of it, the staff member would need to complete the immersion course in French. The intensive nature of the course and the focus on language acquisition will be extremely helpful to develop our staff member's ability to teach French up to a higher level. It will also mean that the member of staff taking part will have a greater range of skills, putting them in a better position for their future careers as they will have more to offer. They will also have the opportunity to be immersed in the culture of France. We believe that this will lead to an enthusiasm and love of French culture, leading them to want to continue with their learning in the future, and will be passed on to the students leading to greater enthusiasm and motivation, more fun and engaging activities and better results. We are very keen to improve GCSE results and we feel that by increasing our staff's subject knowledge in this way, we will achieve this aim. Results will include better attainment within MFL, improved attitude to learning and better intercultural understanding and more international links, activities and events. We will have a better skilled staff member who are confident to teach more languages, more use of target language in the classroom and regular communications between children in UK and France as well as teacher communication. There will be better uptake of MFL and better GCSE results in languages. The project will also result in better teaching for children of all levels, more motivation, enjoyment and excitement about languages within the school, more engagement of parents and the local community and the development of future exchange visits to France for pupils.
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