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Tanulók és tanárok külföldi szakmai gyakorlata a piacképes szaktudásért.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our institute has been organizing 2 or 3 weeks long professional practice abroad for years. According to the good experiences there was a huge demand for our students to gain experience of the international labor, to practise the foreign language that they have learned and also they have a chance to acquire a professional foreign language. Our important goal was also that students get know the new technologies that are already used abroad and be able to transfer this knowledge into the national practice , with this we can strengthen their employment opportunities in the labor market , this has been fulfilled. 138 participants, who are vocational training students, have travelled to Wales , Germany, Denmark and Italy to take part on a practice . 16 teachers have attended trainings in Germany and Wales ,whose main goals were job shadowing, professional renewal and getting know new technological innovations. We have implemented 13 mobilities, there were 10 mobilities for students and 3 for teachers. Most of our students have travelled to Germany, the most popular mobility was the welders’, where 20 students could paricipate. Representatives of 18 different kinds of professions have taken part in student mobility. Based on the experiences of the past years in all areas of professions where the possibility of foreign internship was offered, a significiant part of the students have become much more dedicated towards their profession. This is evidenced by the number of the applications on professional tournaments and also their results that they have achieved on these competitions. During the planning we considered the skills gap and we tried to attract more students to these areas (carpenters, welders, electricians). Our school's international relations also mean an advantage on the market during schooling, because the students prefer to come to an institution that offers the high-quality practical opportunities abroad beside the domestic education. We were pleased that the number of the enrollments as carpenters and electricians has increased in the past two years. The development of the students’ social skills is also a priority, the students are much more interested, have become more tolerant, their digital competence has developed, all were supported by the professional preparatory classes, Information Technology classes, language classes and team- building classes. A part of the students who were involved in the projects ,continue learning after having the vocational certificate ,prepare for the graduation or take part in a downstream vocational training and who doesn’t continue learning that has successfully settled ,based on the feedback.
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9 Partners Participants