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Talasemi Çiçeklerinde Bakım ve Hemşirelik Hizmetlerinin AB Bahçesi
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project name: Caring for Flowers of Thalassemia and EU Garden of Nursing Service Within the scope of project, 45 students, consisting of boys and girls ranged between 16-18 year-old, trained in branch of nursing in our institution – Kumluca Anatolian Medical Vocational High school-and our partner institutions will take place. Six of our teachers who are experts in their branches will acompany to our participants. Thalassemia (Mediterranean Anemia- MA) is a hereditary illness seen in many parts of the world, transmitted from parents to children, causing high anemia and needs to get lifelong treatment. This illness is known as “Mediterranean Anemia” as it is widely seen in Mediterranean countries. According to the data from Ministry of Health and National Hemoglobinopathy Council, while the number of the registered patients was 4500 in 2002, in 2011, this number was about 6000 and 3 out of 100 people are disease carriers.It is seen along a zone including Mediterranean countries; Italy, Greece,Spain,Cyprus and North and South coasts of Turkey (Mediterranean,Aegean Region and Thrace) Consanguineous marriages seen widely in a country incerase the frequency of diseases which are rarely seen and hereditary transmitted such as thalassemia in society. In Turkey, 1 out of 5 marriage is consanguineous marriage. MA is a real problem in our country where the rate of consanguineous marriage is pretty high. That the disaese is widely seen although it is preventable, new researches are conducted for this issue and treatment conditions are eased, shows the necessity of acceleration for the studies of caring, protective health service and preventing the disease. According to publication of WHO, in the World, MA and frequency of abnormal hemoglobin rate is %5.1 (266 million). Every year, almost 300,000 sick children are born.That improving diagnostic methods of prenatal for thalassemia and detecting disease carriers with diagnostic scanning have become very effective in terms of protective services and treatments and in developed countries, thalassemia problem is solved with a great extent. Especially in EU countries where hereditary MA is seen, proper strategical policies aiming at protective and caring service special to the disease have been set and in service trainings have been arranged and it has been given importance to vocational training for the medical staff who will work at this area. While the probability to be seen for this illness is 3% in our country, it increases up to %13’s in our region. At this context, for MA in our country, especially in Mediterranean Region, our participant students need; Society scanning, genetical consultancy and family planning service, public education, The techniques for preventing sick birth with proper strategy by using prenatal diagnosis methods To be educated at a level of EU about treatment, caring and nursing services given to the patient, extention of lifespan of available patients and studies aiming at increasing the quality of their lifes and supportive services presented to their families. Besides, our participants also need to improve their foreign and vocational language, be employed with the help of certifitaces they get, recognise and live different cultures, introduce our country positively, improve self confidance and be role model for their friends. The purpose of our project and outcomes are; providing and certificating experience, ability and vocational knowladge to our participant students at this area, providing EU experince and opportunity for working with their colleagues, giving an opportunity for application in terms of different race, language, gender and cultural structure, providing effective application to thalassemia, equipments and kits transfer. generating products and outcome special to project ( publication,journal,booklet, CD/DVD etc.) disaminating the outcomes of the project ( organisations related to health, education and the subject, civil society organisations, mass media, social networking sites etc.), informing the decision makers. Informing medical vocational high school teachers and vocational professionals working in the area by purposing Ministry of Health and Ministry of National Education to arrange in service training for the area, providing contributions to socio-economic developments of our contry by learning effective caring applications for thalassemia Recognising the EU culture and contributing the introduction to culture of our country, leading and contributing our participant students to be employed in the area thanks to the certificates they will get. Mobility activities will take place 14 days and 3 flow to the cities of Modena in Italy, Marbella in Spain and Berlin in Germany with 15 partipicants each, totally 45 participants, between the dates 07-20 June 2015.Total time of the Project is 12 months and starting date is 01September 2014 and ending date is 01 September 2015.
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5 Partners Participants