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Tackling the ''Digital Divide'' in SEE by using the capacity of DTT networks  (SEE TV-WEB)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Use of ICT technologies and services has a major impact to the sustainable development of the society. SEE TVWEB will execute activities which will foster accessibility and availability of AVMS (Audio-Video and Media Services) on-demand and Information Society services offering at least minimal internet experience to the vulnerable groups such as elderly, persons with disabilities, economically weak and all those who have a limited access to internet services due to lack of access (rural) or limited computer/internet literacy. By focusing on pilot presentation and inclusion of stakeholders in the project the project will have a high impact on social and business development in the region and wider. On a long term, the project will represent very important contribution to solve issues of digital divide and social inclusion and thus will contribute to the creation of the region of equal opportunities. SEE TV-WEB is based on the innovative approach with the aim to promote a potential for aggregating the internet content onto a carousel for push services and distributing it through the available Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) network capacity. This will allow the user to have the same interactive experience as being connected to the internet through bi-directional network. The SEE TV-WEB is introducing activities in the target SEE region, which will: 1. increase the Accessibility of services by utilizing free capacity of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) networks, 2. increase Availability of services by introducing ''push'' based internet services such as e-government, ehealth, e-learning, e-entertainment, e-media and others which will be accessed through commonly used TV sets, Set-Top-Boxes or USB receivers and navigated through a simple TV remote, 3. enable Utilization of new and prosperous business concepts by adapting the regulatory framework, 4. increase Awareness by promoting the solution(s) and services on the basis of concrete actions, such as pilot presentations and other supporting activities, 5. assure Sustainability by preparing the guidelines, studies, tools and concrete business case modelling and present those to stakeholders on a national, regional and European level. Achievements: The TV-WEB project brochure has been published.The project brochure summarizes the main results of the TV-WEB project and provides further relevant and interesting information to people interested in bridging the digital divide by DTT networks.The brochure provides an introduction into the problem called digital divide, offers a potential solution for reducing it with the help of the so called internal digital dividend and summarizes the project's main results in an interesting way using inforgraphics. The brochure is divided into 6 chapters: • Foreword• Introduction• Internal digital dividend serving in the reduction of the digital divide• The TV-WEB service: How, what and within what frameworks• Stakeholders• Introduction into the pilot presentations and summary of them The brochure is availabler here:

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  • 85.1%   1 215 541,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants