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Tablets im bilingualen Unterricht in der Sekundarstufe 2
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of our project is the recent evaluation of our school by externals. Both, the evaluators and the teachers of our school, think that we need to improve the personnel department because of the heterogeneity of our students. Our teachers need to know how to teach internally differentiated, which demands a lot of time and power. In order to spare the recourses of our teachers we have to learn how to work in teams professionally and how to become a team player. Only by preparing lessons in a team we can offer our students an internally differentiated learning. One of the school’s strengths is the technical equipment in the classrooms. But in order to keep the school’s level of individual learning we will soon introduce tablets into our lessons. Especially older teachers struggle with the employment of modern technology. Not only the introduction of English lessons in vocational schools will increase the demand for English speaking teachers but also teaching lessons bilingually. This will prepare our students for working in an international environment. Furthermore, the usage of eTwinning is supposed to help us stay in contact with our European school partners. The goal of our project is to educate our colleagues in bilingual teaching in order to train our students for the international labour market. English as a lingua franca for scientific and working environments is an absolute must for both, teachers and students. Moreover, teachers have to deal with the growing modernization in classrooms and the heterogeneity within the classes by showing them options and new teaching methods how to teach internally differentiated. Team teaching and preparing lessons in groups will improve the quality of our lessons. This is only possible when the teacher stops fighting on his own and starts being a team player. The teaching staff learns how to work cooperatively and efficiently. Therefore, we can spare time and power and thus stay healthy. Only with a strong team our school can compensate the absence of teachers and so reduce the loss of learning. To reach our goals we have developed the following concept: 1) Number and profile of participants: -3 Language teachers (English, Spanish, German): usage of tablets in language classes -3 math and science teachers: usage of modern technology in classes -3 teachers (religion, business and economics): English courses to improve bilingual skills -3 teachers (physics, business, and math): English courses in order to stay in touch with European school partners -3 teachers (business, German, English): courses for internal differentiation and team teaching 2) The trainings will focus on the following aspects: - using tablets in language lessons (Portugal) - using modern technology in classes (Finland) - English courses to improve bilingual teaching (U.K.) - English courses to communicate with our school partners (Malta) - courses for internal differentiation and team teaching (Sweden) First of all the participants will be trained in courses. Their newly gained knowledge will be used in a test run in our school. The whole process will be documented and reflected. Secondly, the colleagues prepare a concept which will then be voted on in a teachers’ meeting. If the majority is in favour of the concept it will be implemented into the school curriculum. All teachers will be able to download this new concept.

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