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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zespół Szkół Plastycznych (High School for the Fine Arts) in Tarnów is a school, which has been present in the lives of the citizens of Tarnów for many years but as a school we do not want to limit ourselves only to marking our existence in our neighbourhood. In order to increase the competitiveness of our school on educational market we would like to modernise our teaching system, start cooperation with similar European institutions and carry out international projects such as students' exchanges or eTwninning. All this can be achieved thanks to taking part in Erasmus+ programme.If this Application Form is accepted by the experts from the Polish National Agency and we receive the financial support for the activities planned, 12 teachers will participate in language courses and 2 in specialized methodological courses. The selected teachers represent all educational levels in our school and, what is extremely important, they teach both core curriculum subjects and artistic ones. The participants were recruited in accordance with the recruitment regulations in which our most significant needs resulting from our European Development Plan were taken into account. One teacher of English will participate in a methodological course in Ireland during which she is going to learn to use project based learning methods. Thanks to that course she will be able to broaden her teaching knowledge and supervise her students doing educational projects at school better and more effectively. General information on this teaching method will be later passed on to other teachers during specially organised workshops enabling them to make their classes more attractive. The second teacher of English will take part in a methodological course in England during which the question of teacher's leadership in teaching process will be investigated. The course will deal with different kinds of leadership, students and teachers' motivation and different ways of effective communication. All the other teachers will be later able to implement those ideas during their classes, which will have positive influence on motivation, class management or individualisation of teaching process. The remaining participants will do English courses: three of them in England and nine of them on Malta. All of the teachers who will take part in language courses know the English language at least on A1 level. The need to train their skills results from limited possibilities of communication in this language. After the training and gaining the necessary communicative skills the teachers will be able to introduce English in their subjects. They will also be able to involve in international exchanges which are planned in our school. Certainly, they will return from courses abroad not only richer in new experiences but also full of inspiration and willingness to work.Our school will appoint a coordinator who will monitor all the activities undertaken within the project, make sure that all the documents are complete and support all the participants. The activities undertaken within the project will be monitored not only by the coordinator but also by the headmaster and the institutions organising courses. An evaluation of all the activities undertaken is to be carried out at the end of the project together with a wide range of dissemination activities. As for predicted benefits, also those long-term, mobility of our staff will certainly contribute to the development of intercultural competences of the participants and raising their awareness of this issue. Thanks to that, the teachers will develop those competences in their students teaching them tolerance and being open to other cultures and nationalities. What is more, taking part in the project will help teachers improve their language skills, which will allow our school to establish cooperation with foreign institutions and fulfill other international projects. I believe that then we will have strong foundations to start developing our cooperation with other European institutions similar to our school, which seems to be an essential factor leading to quality improvement in our institution. The planned training sessions will also help teachers motivate students to individual work and increase the teachers' creativity as far as making classes more interesting is concerned. Participating in the project will also give our staff opportunity to familiarise with different educational systems and confront their knowledge and experience with their colleagues abroad. Another benefit will be improved self-esteem of the participants that will help them involve more confidently in other international events. And what is absolutely crucial, I believe that all those undertakings can increase not only students' motivation for foreign language learning but also their willingness to participate in other, planned international events in our school.

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