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Szövetség az Európai Megújuló Energetikai Szakképzésért
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is aimed at further developing the innovative VET curricula in renewable energetics created by the SEE-REUSE project (LEONARDO Innovation Transfer), as well as to extend and strenghten the partnership established in the same project. The partnership (consortium) is led by Vox Vallis Development Association, an organisation with environmental, rural development, and adult training profile, was also the lead partner of SEE-REUSE project. Members are the austrian Berufsförderungsinstitute (BFI), the regional VET centre of Burgenland, the slovenian Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava offering technical and mechatronics vocational education, and the municipality of Tab. Tab is acting on behalf of its vocational school Rudnay Gyula Szakközépiskola, also providing technical and mechatronics training, as the school has no financial autonomy to participate financially, because of the national integration process of VET schools. Target group consists of related VET sector representatives, manufacturers and entrepreneurs of renewable energy sector. SEE-REUSE project created curricula and training materials of a one year technician training in renewable energy technologies as an additional training of basic technical and agrotechnical vocational training accredited in the national training list (OKJ). The work was based on the adaptation of BFI training materials, but developing it further in the biomass based technologies (burning, biogas), regarding the outstanding biomass potential of Hungary in Europe. The success of this newly created VET product is highly depending on the quality of its practical training elements. To ensure a quality practical training in the diverse and quickly developing renewable energy technology is much more difficult than other sectors, and, because it is a relatively new sector, it has only a few capacities offering practical training opportunities. Therefore the partners decided to elaborate a detailed methodology for practical training in renewable energy technologies, and present it as a methodology manual (intellectual output No.1.) for assisting the planning and implementation of such trainings. The efficiency of practical training periods can not be measured easily. A former LEONARDO cooperation of Finnish, Hungarian, Dutch and Danish partners (SKILLDA) elaborated an efficient evaluation methodology for a few other professions. Therefore this project wishes to adapt that (intellectual output No.5.) to the practical training in renewable energy. The efficiency of practical training can be raised by applying blended learning, therefore the partners will develop a related e-learning material (intellectual output No.3.) to assist the pupils in preparing for and to follow the progress of the practical training. This e-learning material integrates the elements of the evaluation methodology as well. Short blended mobility programs of VET learners will be implemented in the course of the project in order to provide a basis for the iterative process of testing and developing the methodologies and the e-learning material. Unfortunately the equipment of the practical training workshops could not keep pace with the development of certain fields of the renewable energy technology. The capacities related to biogas technology is lagged behind the most, therefore the partners will elaborate a detailed layout and equipment design of a workshop for the practical training of biogas technology (intellectual output No.4.). In the training materials there is no economic calculation methods to compare renewable energy technologies, although the market demanded so. To answer this need the partners will elaborate a supportive training material to assist such economic calculations (intellectual output No. 2.). To enhance the efficiency of international VET cooperation and related developments the project will create a trilingual (Hungarian - German - Slovenian) glossary of renewable energy technology (intellectual output No.6.). The situation and capacities of the partners allow them to specialise on a certain field of the renewable energy technology, which provides a solid base to cooperate in developing higher quality, practical training systems. Sharing related tasks internationally enables partners to follow and to integrate innovations more quickly and efficiently. This and the geographical closeness can establish more concrete forms of co-operation, such as mutual education, training for trainers, developing curricula and materials. Partners will elaborate a detailed concept for such forms of cooperation (intellectual output No.7.) This way the project will create a state of the art form of blended learning vocational education in renewable energy technologies and establish an European partnership to maintain and develop this innovative VET product, which contributes to the achievement of the EU 2020 goals related to climate change and sustainability of natural resources.
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3 Partners Participants